Pregame: Illinois at Iowa, Saturday, February 4th, 1:30pm CT, FOX

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Bruce Pearl...
And that is all the people need to know.

Connor McCaffrey with the surprisingly reasonably take on all of it. It's all good fun, and they did 'win' the round by blocking the fan espionage (but hopefully not the game!), Krush unfortunately did have it coming by affiliating their fake name with the Boys and Girls Club of America, so they do deserve to lose the PR battle. But Connor recognizes this is not some grand larceny committed against underprivileged youths, absolutely nobody was harmed here, and in the end, it's nice that some kids get to go to the basketball game. Hopefully they realize upon witnessing in person that the much cooler team are the ones wearing the blue jerseys. It's not their fault they were born in Iowa, but it's not too late to come to the right side!

As for Krush, they need some good PR of their own. Maybe give up their tickets for the game against Minnesota to the closest Boys & Girls Club (greater Peoria probably?) Turn it into a PR opportunity for the team to meet with the kids and sign some things and shoot around or whatever.
You definitely got that right. Seems like anytime the score, especially Bernstein, has the chance to bash the Illini he’s all over it. What a putz
Yeah, he finds any reason to come after the Illini and it is so predictable. He said Bielema was going to lose the team after he said we had no depth. The following week, we upset Penn State. He said Curbelo should not have been benched in the second half of the tournament game having no clue what had gone on in the locker room. I hadn’t heard his take on Orange Krush because I removed 670 from my dial because of him.
They do this every year. Pose as some other fictional group; enter dressed as the other team's fans, then reveal themselves as Krush after the game starts. They have posed as boy scouts and family reunions in the past.

This year they called themselves 'the Illinois Chapter of the Boys and Girls Club"; which does not exist. It is a fictional group.

There are "Boys and Girls Clubs of 'fill in a location'." There is also "The Illinois Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs."

There is a reason Krush uses a fake name for their annual road trip. When they use their real name; the other schools won't sell them the tickets.

Perhaps the name raised a red flag that took 4 months to investigate? The tickets were purchased in October. Buses were chartered for 200. Individuals booked hotel rooms. Iowa waited until yesterday to cancel the tickets.

Iowa implied Krush obtained a discount by posing as a charity. That is apparently false. The discount is allegedly available to any group of 20 or more. Besides, Krush is a 501(c)3 origination.

If they got some sort of charitable org discount; due diligence would call for submitting a correct name and an identification number with the application.

It was probably stupid to use a name similar to a real organization, but at the end of the day, it amounts to college fun and games they have been doing for 20 years.
Yep, exactly. If I were to hazard a guess at what actually happened, my guess would be that Iowa was looking through the list of groups to see who was attending the game in order to put welcomes for them on the scoreboard during breaks in play, etc. Someone saw the group name, went to look them up to call them to say when they would be welcomed on the scoreboard, only to find out the group didn't exist and the contact was from Champaign tipping them off it was the Krush. So they cancelled the tickets then and there. And when the Krush argued publicly, Iowa played the you misrepresented yourself using language that strongly and purposefully attempts to deceive the public that the Krush did something morally and ethically wrong, and that Iowa was morally and ethically right in taking away their tickets. And that Iowa is such a shining Pearl of truth and justice and right, that they gave the tickets to the "rightful owners" the boys and girls club of Iowa. Could they have just said to the Krush, that sucks dudes, we don't sell tickets to opposing fangroups, we would have told you that if you had said who you were originally? Of course, but we live in a day and age where we must prove our moral correctness superiority at all times because we must be right. For anyone who has any knowledge of Iowa athletic department history, them pretending to have the moral high ground is farcical.

the national

the Front Range
As Illinois fans (specifically football), we have seen our fair share of other fanbases come in and occupy large portions of our own stadium and yet (to my knowledge) the ticket office has never revoked tickets like this. You don't want groups of opposing fans flocking to your stadium and taking over? Then do a better job selling the product to your own fanbase.

In short, shut up Iowa; take our money and disrespect.
I think for the Wyoming game this season, they had an alumni group but 50 tix in a block. No one was worried about that. I know that was football and this is basketball. But as someone who’s gone into Carver-Hawkeye to root for the orange and blue, I hope the Krush still goes and buys any open seat they can get. Their fans are very cranky. I stood after most of the good plays for Illinois, clapped and wasn’t obnoxious - the hawk fans were relentless at telling me to sit, go home, etc. If I recall, they also complained constantly about the officiating.
As for Krush, they need some good PR of their own. Maybe give up their tickets for the game against Minnesota to the closest Boys & Girls Club (greater Peoria probably?) Turn it into a PR opportunity for the team to meet with the kids and sign some things and shoot around or whatever.
Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club in Champaign


Sugar Grove
As for Krush, they need some good PR of their own. Maybe give up their tickets for the game against Minnesota to the closest Boys & Girls Club (greater Peoria probably?) Turn it into a PR opportunity for the team to meet with the kids and sign some things and shoot around or whatever.
Why exactly does the Orage Krush need to exemplify additional good PR? Unless they are actually threatened with losing non-charitable status, they have absolutely no need to satisfy the "national media" perspective.

There are plenty of ways for Krush to continue their charitable ways (they already do), but I see no reason to give up seats to a conference home game. We would essentially be making that section a break game. Even if Minnesota is terrible, there is no reason to give up part of the home court advantage. For me, Orange Krush members volunteering for some children's charity in Champaign will suffice.
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I just saw a suggestion on Reddit (long live Reddit takes!) that Krush should have posed as a group for "The Human Fund" instead.

It's a good suggestion going forward. Maybe instead of money their slogan can be, "Tickets for People".
Sadly none of the kids are old enough to get that reference.
Care to explain the reference? A web search did not find it.

(And I remember the early Henson years, including the four corners offense.)
If I were a wealthy alum, I’d call up the Cedar Rapids B&G Club first thing in the morning and tell them I’d donate $100K if they handed me those 200 tickets.

Then I’d give them to Krush.
I don't think that would work. Illinois has a policy whereby they can refuse entry to any patron at any time for any reason. You can hear an announcement to that effect as you approach the Assembly Hall. I would guess that Iowa has a similar policy and that they would most likely enforce it on our kids. Most likely they would have made the trip to Iowa for naught


st petersburg, fl
I don't think that would work. Illinois has a policy whereby they can refuse entry to any patron at any time for any reason. You can hear an announcement to that effect as you approach the Assembly Hall. I would guess that Iowa has a similar policy and that they would most likely enforce it on our kids. Most likely they would have made the trip to Iowa for naught

That would be a great way for Iowa to lose that PR battle they've been winning. Insinuating that you canceled the tickets because they posed as the boys and girls club, and then deny entry even when they're not pretending to be that organization.
I have heard this from many people, including my dad (Illini fan), my friends' dads (all Iowa fans) and even Stephen Bardo recently on TV ... and I'm curious why it changed so much. I mean, I literally said in this very thread that it can get REALLY loud in there (and it can!), but I would generally consider it one of the worst game-to-game atmospheres in the Big Ten, and I am clearly not alone because there are constant topics on the Iowa message boards complaining about Carver being a morgue.

I think it really is all about the fanbase. In the 80s Carver-Hawkeye was a new arena and they had some really talented teams. The fans packed that place to the brim in support. And the steep underground structure allows it to amplify sound that can get very loud and imposing, not to the level of say the Old Chicago Stadium (if you ever went to a Hawks game back in the day) where you actually felt the place shaking and swaying, but it is an imposing venue. But once Iowa started their falloff from a very talented team capable of winning a Natty to a good team, to a meh team once Alford took over for Davis to a terrible team once Lickliter took over, the fans started leaving in droves and never came back. Since then Carver-Hawkeye has been as you call it, a morgue. I hate saying this, but if there is one team in the B10 that I truly do believe is a sleeping giant, it is Iowa. If they can start filling that place up like the old days, that place is a really tough place to play.

And in some ways they're not alone- truth is our own Assembly Hall really was a House of 'Paign. Loud, imposing, fevered atmosphere, that hasn't quite gotten back to volume levels it was at prior to our fall from national championship contender. And you can audibly hear the difference when you listen to some games from back in the time machine. That said, we are much much much closer to getting there right now. A couple more years of success and a decent tourney run, and we'll be back to being the house that before opponents even step out onto the court, they know they ain't leaving with a victory.
Thanks for that Cedar Rapids Gazette article on the 1952 "riot." Interesting history of which I was unaware. IMO the Iowa-Illinois bad blood matches MSU-Michigan for nastiness.

The article listed strange periods when certain BT teams didn't play each other in football back when the conference had 9 or 10 teams. They missed one: Purdue and Ohio State didn't play between 1970 and 1975.
There was a lot of frustration built up west of the Mississippi by 1952. Illinois owned the Squawks in those days. In fact, Ray Eliot was our coach for 17 years, starting in 1942, and never lost to them. Of course, part of that was due to the suspension after the '52 game. For most of that time, Iowa had a coach named Evachevski (?) who they thought was the cat's meow, but he could NEVER beat Ray.
Yeah, he finds any reason to come after the Illini and it is so predictable. He said Bielema was going to lose the team after he said we had no depth. The following week, we upset Penn State. He said Curbelo should not have been benched in the second half of the tournament game having no clue what had gone on in the locker room. I hadn’t heard his take on Orange Krush because I removed 670 from my dial because of him.
He went to Duke. 'Nuff said.
We lead the overall series 90-76 and have won 5 straight. Someone smarter than me needs to take the Kofi/baby Hunter meme and put Daddy Brad/Toddler Fran in it!!!
Chicago media has picked this up (670 the score) with them describing the Orange Krush behavior as “Disgusting”. Clearly Iowa won the PR battle here and convinced everyone that some sort of legitimate fraud has occurred aside from giving a fake group name. Give me a break.

I haven’t listened to the score in a decade but this screams Dan Bernstein
The Orange Krush was worried that Iowa would not sell a block of 200 seats to a rival student group. To avoid this possibility, their solution was to obscure their real identity/affiliation and falsely claim they were the "Illinois Chapter of the Boys and Girls Club? Some of the brightest students this State has to offer decided the best course of action was to lie and impersonate a children's charity? People are defending this unethical behavior? The Orange Krush most certainly needs to issue a public apology.
Or maybe you would prefer they be "caned". Geez, they're college kids wanting to have fun going to an away game. They didn't cheat on a test or hack a teacher's computer to change their grade. They wanted to attend a BB game in Iowa City to cheer on their Illini and tried to evade the ticket trolls in the HackEye ticket office. Good for them. We did stuff like way back in '66-"70. Don't be so offended. Never go to Kam's when you were underage? It's a college basketball game Iowa, be thankful anyone even wants to travel to your campus.
So if the busses aren't being refunded, why don't the Krush students still go up there and see if they can buy individual tickets. At the very least, they could take over an Iowa bar.
shh I suspect that is actually their plan
Worst case, they can stand outside like picketing on-strike workers
Think of the signs they could bring LOL
I'm not saying Illinois fans would/should/could shower the Carver stands with Kleenex when we win... But I'd find it hilarious.
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