The 2014 Illini Nike Uniforms and Rebrand

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Springfield, IL
The orange shoes w/ the silver trim leads me to believe we'll see another version of those grey ghost unis, possibly with some more orange this time

All colorways of this shoe has silver trim, so it doesn't give any indication what uniforms we'll be wearing next year.


Springfield, IL
Hey wait a second, isn't the version of the Victory Shield that this publication used the non-Nike approved version that was created by IL posted ivwilsoniv.

I have always liked ivwilson's version better.

Yes, they used the wrong version of the logo, which is really funny considering how picky people are on that site's forums (myself include) about mistakes like that. I believe STL FANATIC has already informed them they're using the wrong version of the logo.


Aurora, IL
That is funny. I thought the orange wasn't quite red enough...

Ha, I'm glad you guys realized it. I saw that just now and was going to point it out. :thumb:

I never figured that the "pre-release" image I made in PowerPoint based off of some of the leaked images would circulate this much. I guess I should stop underestimating the power of the internet. I just wanted a version to put as my phone background and then uploaded it here...


Springfield, IL
One of the shoes has white trim, and one has silver trim- would have to think that the silver is meant to pair with some variation of the grey unis, no?

No. Every colorway of THAT shoe (Nike Vapor Untouchable), not every Nike football shoe, has silver trim like that. Several teams wore those shoes in bowl games and they all had silver on them.


The most important part of this, to me, is the helmet. I'd love to see us just pick one and stick with it for 9-10 games out of the year. Personally I'd love to see that be the orange one since its the most unique. White, like black or silver with some other schools, is becoming so en vogue that it's not that special.

For the road I actually love the new white tops, like most of us do. But to use the white pants with that just goes back to looking too bland. Love the Blue pants for the road. I'd like O/W/B for the road but O/W/O or even a blue lid would look good sometimes too.

Sorry for the novella but I just don't even recognize us most of the time when I see us on the field. We're in that limbo between having a classic look and trying to be Oregon. And I think we've lost enough over the last 10 years to put the superstitious thing to bed, NO combo will help us win better than any other, but we can at least play looking like the U of I.

Encore ... encore :thumb::thumb::thumb::illinois::chief:


I know the Chicago Nike Store has already been mentioned multiple times in this thread and this may just seem like piling on but I went to the big Nike Factory Store down in Tuscola at the Outlet Mall this past weekend and was disappointed to find out that they had absolutely zero rebrand apparel. They had a very large Illini section but it was all very old and outdated stuff. I asked four employees about rebranding apparel before I finally found a fifth who could answer my question of, "when will you be getting any of it in stock?" Her answer? "I've heard next summer at the earliest."
I know the Chicago Nike Store has already been mentioned multiple times in this thread and this may just seem like piling on but I went to the big Nike Factory Store down in Tuscola at the Outlet Mall this past weekend and was disappointed to find out that they had absolutely zero rebrand apparel. They had a very large Illini section but it was all very old and outdated stuff. I asked four employees about rebranding apparel before I finally found a fifth who could answer my question of, "when will you be getting any of it in stock?" Her answer? "I've heard next summer at the earliest."

well, it is an outlet mall,

and while some outlet stores of some companies will sell up to date stuff, some companies still use those stores for their original intent --> to sell stuff that didnt sell for whatever reason the first time around in normal retail situations.

look around.
do you see alot of size XS, S and XXL ? or stuff with a flaw ?
either way, NIKE should have some current stuff in a store 20 miles from CU


Des Plaines, Il
Men's gymnastics team wearing the grey tanks with the shield emblem tonight at the Windy City Invitational.





M tipping over
Illini Practice Hoodie

Anyone know where I can buy this hoodie?


Okay, I was finally able to connect with my Nike guy. Well, teams often have practice apparel that is not released to the public. Nike will put out what they think will sell, and I guess this one of those situations, and that's why you won't find this online. But, he did encourage me to contact Nike to let them know if I would buy something like that, and to let them know that stuff the team wears would be cool to own. So...., I combed through the Nike website to see where you could provide feedback. Here is the link I found - there is even a place where you can add an attachment. If you can get it to work, I suggest uploading a picture like this of the hoodie if you would be interested in buying one. Otherwise, I don't think you'll be seeing these for sale. Good luck!


M tipping over
Hey all, I had an update on the Shield practice hoodie a lot of people were asking about. Upshot is it won't be available unless we ask for it en masse, so if you want it, I suggest providing feedback to Nike. I posted about this in the Nike rebrand thread, too (with a pic of the hoodie in question).

Not sure how to link to a specific post, but here is the page it is on...

Here is the place in the Nike site you can provide feedback to...

If you do want to write Nike, I suggest attaching a picture of the hoodie (they allow attachments in the form) so they know what you are talking about.

Good luck!


Springfield, IL
Those jerseys look awful. The inserts force the lettering to be too small. The inserts also doesn't allow them to place the front number in the normal spot. The number looks very weird placed there. They should've just went with no front number.


Iowa Corridor
not a huge fan... I don't really like that general template (looks like something a high school team would order from a catalog)

would have preferred that they went with the Block I over the chest... but oh well.


Hmm... not a big fan of those orange ones. But I'll wait until I see pictures of them in action.
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