The 2014 Illini Nike Uniforms and Rebrand

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I talked to someone at Gameday Spirit the other day and she said the day before they were supposed to put the gray jerseys out for sale, Nike notified them and said they had to return them because there some some kind of mistake with them. She didnt know what the specific mistake was.

They didn't tell you the truth lol. Also yes there are new visors and short sleeve jackets like Beckman wore yesterday. They are available at Gameday I believe, and if you watch some of the camp rantoul videos or post practice videos he wore them there.
They looked that way to me in person, first thing I noticed. However they were still pretty sharp. Man I love the white helmets.

I think they look sharp, I guess I just dont know why the football uni's look orange-red while the color on the field and around the stadium is clearly orange, and the color of the girls soccer uni's looked clearly orange.

are we going with orange for everything except football unis, which will be orange-red ?


Orange & Blue tweety bird
Louisville, KY
The jerseys looked reddish-orange to me as well. But, only when they had the full field shots. When they did the close-ups, the jerseys looked perfect to me. So, idk what to make of that.
I was watching the game down here in Louisville, and several people commented on how the helmet was sharp looking. Sat. Vs WKU = :shield:


The jerseys looked reddish-orange to me as well. But, only when they had the full field shots. When they did the close-ups, the jerseys looked perfect to me. So, idk what to make of that.
I was watching the game down here in Louisville, and several people commented on how the helmet was sharp looking. Sat. Vs WKU = :shield:

I thought the uniforms in generally looked better up close than in the full field view. As I mentioned in the game thread, the combo kept reminding me of Nebraska. I really want to see those metallic orange helmets next week.
They didn't tell you the truth lol. Also yes there are new visors and short sleeve jackets like Beckman wore yesterday. They are available at Gameday I believe, and if you watch some of the camp rantoul videos or post practice videos he wore them there.

So, what's the truth?


Decatur, IL
I thought the uniforms in generally looked better up close than in the full field view. As I mentioned in the game thread, the combo kept reminding me of Nebraska. I really want to see those metallic orange helmets next week.

I didnt see Nebraska, I saw more Auburn. But I still like them better than anything we have had before. I am looking forward to seeing the orange helmets but I am still thinking the white ones will be the best. We shall see.


Agree that they looked better up close. Loved the helmets and the jerseys were redder than the end zones, etc. but still definitely orange vs. YSU's red


I talked to someone at Gameday Spirit the other day and she said the day before they were supposed to put the gray jerseys out for sale, Nike notified them and said they had to return them because there some some kind of mistake with them. She didnt know what the specific mistake was.

I was in Dick's Sporting Goods today on Prospect Ave. in Champaign and they are selling gray #6 jerseys alongside orange #6 jerseys.
Has Nike manufactured a rebrand visor (shield or otherwise)? I have looked for one to play golf in. It might just be that there isn't one to wear. It wouldn't be the fault of the visor wearer that Nike hasn't made one.


Scottsdale, Arizona
I thought our jerseys looked a little red on TV as well. So, I actually grabbed a screenshot from the highlight video on my computer and used the color picker tool thingy (I'm not a graphic designer) to see what the colors were.

In the picture below, the first stripe is the color of the bright part of an ILLINI players jersey.

The second stripe is the color of the dark part of a players jersey.

The third is the color of the newly branded ILLINI logo.

And the fourth is the color of the endzone (very close to the color of the logo).

Here's the logo I used:

Though, I also found this logo that's a little bit more of the pinkish color and I think this one is the official one. So, our jerseys are a pretty close match to our logo.

for football, we have clearly morphed to a more reddish orange (Auburn) and away from more traditional orange (Syracuse, UFla). To be fair, we always had a slight tint of red to our orange, but not as much as now.

It remains to be seen if this is across all sports. I need to see the different sports unis in the same place. Its hard to judge when seeing them seperate.


Evansville, IN
Great idea, Stewart. Here you go.

Interesting note : I checked the appearance on several different screens. On an old monitor (the most expensive non-TV), these all appeared comfortably orange because of its saturation.



Scottsdale, Arizona
Great idea, Stewart. Here you go.

Interesting note : I checked the appearance on several different screens. On an old monitor (the most expensive non-TV), these all appeared comfortably orange because of its saturation.


Much better execution than mine :)


Little Rock, Arkansas
I wonder if the orange will look more "orangey" when paired with blue.


The camera never lies
Were they light grey or maybe light blue like the ones shown in slide 10 of this slideshow? If they're these blue ones, they're the goalie uniforms.

I probably was seeing things, the light blue is the goalie uni's, looking back through the gallery I didn't see the photo that I thought I saw. Probably just just my eye's going bad! lol
for football, we have clearly morphed to a more reddish orange (Auburn) and away from more traditional orange (Syracuse, UFla). To be fair, we always had a slight tint of red to our orange, but not as much as now.

It remains to be seen if this is across all sports. I need to see the different sports unis in the same place. Its hard to judge when seeing them seperate.

They spoke about this in the rebrand release/event. Soccer's new orange uniforms also are a brighter but also kind of reddish orange.
They spoke about this in the rebrand release/event. Soccer's new orange uniforms also are a brighter but also kind of reddish orange.

its just too bad no one gave the color code to the guy who ordered the new endzone carpet. Its clearly a more traditional orange .

I just wish there was more consistancy in the use of the color orange we have.

oh well...............there are much more important things to be concerned about than this.

on a positve one got hurt in the game Sat


its just too bad no one gave the color code to the guy who ordered the new endzone carpet. Its clearly a more traditional orange .

I just wish there was more consistancy in the use of the color orange we have.

oh well...............there are much more important things to be concerned about than this.

on a positve one got hurt in the game Sat

I don't know if it's the case or not, but it could be that the ground rubber pellets that they mix in it for cushioning may change what the color looks like. Seems like it was a nice bright orange in the pictures when they were first installing it and before the pellets were mixed in.


I don't know if it's the case or not, but it could be that the ground rubber pellets that they mix in it for cushioning may change what the color looks like. Seems like it was a nice bright orange in the pictures when they were first installing it and before the pellets were mixed in.

Before the pellets it was even more off from the orange of the jerseys. Much brighter.

Kams Bathroom

I like both the uniforms on ESPN right now. Louisville's black chrome helmets look really cool and Miami's rebranded unis look better on the field than they did in the paint-by-numbers Nike unveiling photos.
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