The Illinois AD Search

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Iowa Corridor
George always seemed like a longshot to me, we've entered the "maybe if we pay him way too much money he'd reconsider" territory but I think it's best to consider that door closed. I dont' know if Tiley is an option or not either but would love to have him in Champaign again.

It seems very likely to me we're going to hire another Mike Thomas (AD at a lower tier school that has been very successful) ... who is going to wind up hiring another Beckman (a coach who's winning at a lower school) (hopefully one that's a bit more erudite this time) and if it comes to it hopefully someone more established than another Groce....

Joel Goodson

George always seemed like a longshot to me, we've entered the "maybe if we pay him way too much money he'd reconsider" territory but I think it's best to consider that door closed. I dont' know if Tiley is an option or not either but would love to have him in Champaign again.

It seems very likely to me we're going to hire another Mike Thomas (AD at a lower tier school that has been very successful) ... who is going to wind up hiring another Beckman (a coach who's winning at a lower school) (hopefully one that's a bit more erudite this time) and if it comes to it hopefully someone more established than another Groce....

The Lubin/Whitman proposal (as espoused by Gould and others) is a viable alternative IMO (assuming Tiley's a no-go).


Northwest Suburbs of Chicago
Seems to me a private jet would fly directly to Boulder

It's the closest executive airport to Boulder/CU campus (8 miles). Although it looks like that plane has flown to Champaign several times in the last couple of months.


Geneva, IL
It's the closest executive airport to Boulder/CU campus (8 miles). Although it looks like that plane has flown to Champaign several times in the last couple of months.

Maybe he has family in the area.


Little Rock, Arkansas
Or that a private business jet is on a flight out to see him and discuss a deal.

As an Illini fan, I would love to have him here even after he said what he said. But as a man, I really want him to be as good as his word and decline any offer we will throw at him.

If he thought there was any way he would maybe even consider taking our job, he shouldn't have said the things he said. He could have left it ambiguous and open like he did earlier this week. I want him to be as good as his word and not pull the rug out from under Colorado. They don't deserve that just like we don't deserve things like the Missouri coach last year or the hat trick in basketball recruiting.

But, I will get off my soap box and join the masses in cheering if he does come here, I will just wish it happened differently.
Or that a private business jet is on a flight out to see him and discuss a deal.

As an Illini fan, I would love to have him here even after he said what he said. But as a man, I really want him to be as good as his word and decline any offer we will throw at him.

If he thought there was any way he would maybe even consider taking our job, he shouldn't have said the things he said. He could have left it ambiguous and open like he did earlier this week. I want him to be as good as his word and not pull the rug out from under Colorado. They don't deserve that just like we don't deserve things like the Missouri coach last year or the hat trick in basketball recruiting.

But, I will get off my soap box and join the masses in cheering if he does come here, I will just wish it happened differently.

Personally have zero shame in poaching him (if that happens). Collegiate Athletics is a competitive game. Lots of $$$ to be made, and I'd rather be on the receiving end than on the outside looking in. We've been mediocre (at best) for far too long. No excuse for us not being able to hang with the big guys.

I'm not an expert and by no means certain Rick George is the one to bring us to the light, but he sounds like our best shot presently.



Apparently this plane left Boulder on Weds, flew to Peoria, then to Champaign 1.5 hours later, then returned to Boulder this afternoon. Does not appear to be related.
Classic behavior for an unstable institution. When covering your back ("but I hired a committee", "had a feasibility study done") becomes more important than directive leadership.

You do realize that a search committee is the standard procedure for hiring at the university right? For all positions academic, civil service, whatever.

As a public institution, I don't know how much you can deviate from policy, even in a high level hire. I imagine the appearance of following the rules has value. If I were doing the hire, I wouldn't even consider not having a committee because there is zero advantage to bypassing one. It doesn't slow things down or complicate things in any way. If there is s rule to bend, it wouldn't be that one as it doesn't affect anything.

Besides, like it or not, the interim chancellor comes from the academic side of the it should be since that is the primary mission of the university. I would expect that the people she selected for the meeting have a background relating to athletics and/or fundraising. You know, people whose opinion would be worth listening to.

It's just ignorant to characterize the formation of a committee as some sort of failure in leadership. This isn't the private sector.


Bucktown, Chicago
I would expect that the people she selected for the meeting have a background relating to athletics and/or fundraising. You know, people whose opinion would be worth listening to.

It would be normal to expect that. But this is Illinois. Our Administration has a growing reputation of being an incompetent train wreck, especially when it comes to athletics.

I hope all the people involved are the ones that have been referenced as the ones fans would want. I, myself, am still skeptical that we are going to figure this out without a complete house cleaning of everyone at the top of the University.
You do realize that a search committee is the standard procedure for hiring at the university right? For all positions academic, civil service, whatever.

As a public institution, I don't know how much you can deviate from policy, even in a high level hire. I imagine the appearance of following the rules has value. If I were doing the hire, I wouldn't even consider not having a committee because there is zero advantage to bypassing one. It doesn't slow things down or complicate things in any way. If there is s rule to bend, it wouldn't be that one as it doesn't affect anything.

Besides, like it or not, the interim chancellor comes from the academic side of the it should be since that is the primary mission of the university. I would expect that the people she selected for the meeting have a background relating to athletics and/or fundraising. You know, people whose opinion would be worth listening to.

It's just ignorant to characterize the formation of a committee as some sort of failure in leadership. This isn't the private sector.

And regardless, public, private, academics, athletics, whatever, having multiple voices involved in a hiring process creates buy-in across different constituencies. It gives more people a feeling of having a hand in the process, which is valuable.

Mike Thomas was hired by Mike Hogan and Mike Hogan alone. Once Hogan was ousted, Thomas was always on borrowed time, because he never had a broad base of support.

Whatever Guenther's faults, the man knew where his bread was buttered. Even if Barb Wilson acts quickly and alone and lands the "right" hire, that person is going to be living in a castle made of sand the second his football hire hits a rough patch because Barb Wilson isn't going to be around to backstop him.
I may have not seen this in either the AD or Coaching search posts but have we thought of a dual role for a single person AD and Coach and if so who would that be? Or has the geography changed so dramatically since the days of Mackovic that it is no longer feasible?
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