The Illinois AD Search

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Joel Goodson



Morrison, CO
The hits keep coming!

HBO show to detail UI complaints

Simon Cvijanovic, the former Illinois offensive lineman whose accusations of mistreatment led to the firing of UI football coach Tim Beckman and athletic director Mike Thomas, will tell his story on HBO’s “Real Sports,” scheduled to air at 9 p.m. Tuesday.

Be interesting to see if he indicts Cubit in this piece. Didn't Simon mention Cubit in his original complaints or do I have that wrong?

By the way, what the ???? is up with that picture of Simon?


Parts Unknown
Be interesting to see if he indicts Cubit in this piece. Didn't Simon mention Cubit in his original complaints or do I have that wrong?

By the way, what the ???? is up with that picture of Simon?

what's up with that picture is that it shouldn't be allowed to be seen that this person was at any time associated with this university. He brought shame upon this university to suit his own agenda's because he felt he got a bad rap for not playing enough. He got an extra year of free schooling after he quit on his team and shouldn't be publicized for any reason.
He hasn't pushed this any further in last ~6 months, and all of a sudden theres a story on HBO Real Sports? Gee, that $mells funny.


Iowa City
what's up with that picture is that it shouldn't be allowed to be seen that this person was at any time associated with this university. He brought shame upon this university to suit his own agenda's because he felt he got a bad rap for not playing enough. He got an extra year of free schooling after he quit on his team and shouldn't be publicized for any reason.
He hasn't pushed this any further in last ~6 months, and all of a sudden theres a story on HBO Real Sports? Gee, that $mells funny.
Yes. Blame Simon for all the bad things at Illinois.
what's up with that picture is that it shouldn't be allowed to be seen that this person was at any time associated with this university. He brought shame upon this university to suit his own agenda's because he felt he got a bad rap for not playing enough. He got an extra year of free schooling after he quit on his team and shouldn't be publicized for any reason.
He hasn't pushed this any further in last ~6 months, and all of a sudden theres a story on HBO Real Sports? Gee, that $mells funny.

You mean, since he was pretty much completely vindicated? What do you want him to do, lobby on Twitter that Beckman get double super extra fired, times infinity? I'm actually a lot more interested to hear why Beckman hasn't pushed his agenda for the past six months. Where's that wrongful termination lawsuit we were all promised?

Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
You mean, since he was pretty much completely vindicated? What do you want him to do, lobby on Twitter that Beckman get double super extra fired, times infinity? I'm actually a lot more interested to hear why Beckman hasn't pushed his agenda for the past six months. Where's that wrongful termination lawsuit we were all promised?

This. It could be argued that Simon didn't go about this in the best possible way but at the end of the day, he did what he did, and he was right.


The desert
This. It could be argued that Simon didn't go about this in the best possible way but at the end of the day, he did what he did, and he was right.

The crazy thing is that when this all started, his looked like the flimsier case that was likely just sour grapes and the women's basketball case seemed pretty damning. 6 months later and that seems to have been flipped turned upside down.


Parts Unknown
Yes. Blame Simon for all the bad things at Illinois.

I said he brought shame, not all the shame. Good job reading though!

You mean, since he was pretty much completely vindicated? What do you want him to do, lobby on Twitter that Beckman get double super extra fired, times infinity? I'm actually a lot more interested to hear why Beckman hasn't pushed his agenda for the past six months. Where's that wrongful termination lawsuit we were all promised?

Maybe I'm a skeptic, but it still seems fishy. What about all those players who came to TB's defense?

The decisions that came down were based on an internal investigation done by the university. Is it at all possible that MT and TB were removed by people who wanted them out all along? One individual was fired "without cause", why didn't they just straight-up say that it was due to these football allegations? These allegations are all against the FOOTBALL PROGRAM, which could have included a hundred people. Nothing has been made of anyone else. Some of the former staff is still held over. All of those are innocent?

I don't completely believe that this situation was pulled off by a rogue tyrant like it's played out.
Being in a hockey rich area 100% doesn't matter. Quinnipiac who are ranked #1 in the country have one in state player on their roster. Their recruiting model seems to be to go after older Canadian players who come in as 20 or 21 year old freshman. The Big Ten is working to reduce the age limit.

The point I was refuting was that Illinois isn't hockey rich. If your statement is true, that even strengthens the point that Illinois could be successful.


The desert
Maybe I'm a skeptic, but it still seems fishy. What about all those players who came to TB's defense?

The thing about things like abuse is that it doesn't matter how many players were treated correctly or so well that they feel they should defend the coach. If only one player is abused, that is absolutely unacceptable. In other words, yes there were players that came to his defense but that in no way absolves him of the minority of players with whom there was a legitimate issue (according to the investigation).

The decisions that came down were based on an internal investigation done by the university. Is it at all possible that MT and TB were removed by people who wanted them out all along?

You could run down that line of reasoning but it doesn't make sense upon inspection. If MT and TB were really set up, in a sense, but one or more people in the administration, then the timing of the firings would have likely been timed to inflict far less damage than they did. The school was already reeling from other scandals. There wouldn't have been motive to make the issues worse at that time. Instead, it is much more likely that the report was genuine and the administrators took the actions they legitimately thought was appropriate regardless of their personal feelings on the men involved. Occam's razor.

One individual was fired "without cause", why didn't they just straight-up say that it was due to these football allegations?

MT was fired "without cause" because the report did not specifically implicate him. The administrators didn't feel he should remain in the role after being in charge of the department during the time of the scandal even though he wasn't implicated directly, so they had to fire him without cause. They didn't have any substantiated cause.

These allegations are all against the FOOTBALL PROGRAM, which could have included a hundred people. Nothing has been made of anyone else. Some of the former staff is still held over. All of those are innocent?

According to the report, apparently. This also tends to support the idea that the firing of TB was not based on trumped up charges just because someone wanted him gone. If that was the case, they likely would have cleaned out the rest of the staff as well (or tried).

I don't completely believe that this situation was pulled off by a rogue tyrant like it's played out.

In the absence of solid information indicating otherwise, I don't seen how you could reach any other conclusion. The conspiracy theory route just doesn't hold up to scrutiny.


The Transfer Portal with Do Not Contact Tag
what's up with that picture is that it shouldn't be allowed to be seen that this person was at any time associated with this university. He brought shame upon this university to suit his own agenda's because he felt he got a bad rap for not playing enough. He got an extra year of free schooling after he quit on his team and shouldn't be publicized for any reason.
He hasn't pushed this any further in last ~6 months, and all of a sudden theres a story on HBO Real Sports? Gee, that $mells funny.

Tough to find the words to describe how terrible this post is.


Parts Unknown
Tough to find the words to describe how terrible this post is.

I got a message inbox if you want to give it a try.

I guess this is what happens when you attempt to piece together the truth with not looking for every small detail. I have a job and a newborn son.

I forget that people with different opinions usually get burned at the stake here, and that's why I stick to reading the site rather than posting. I'm still skeptical about how all of this went down, and really nothing you can tell me will sway me 100% the other way. It's not that I don't believe it happened; I think it really did. I just think that the timeline and how this process shook out tends to lead one to believe the whole football program was a house of cards waiting to fall. You could say the whole athletic department as well.

I'll return to the shadows now. :chief:


Cincinnati, OH
I got a message inbox if you want to give it a try.

I guess this is what happens when you attempt to piece together the truth with not looking for every small detail. I have a job and a newborn son.

I forget that people with different opinions usually get burned at the stake here, and that's why I stick to reading the site rather than posting. I'm still skeptical about how all of this went down, and really nothing you can tell me will sway me 100% the other way. It's not that I don't believe it happened; I think it really did. I just think that the timeline and how this process shook out tends to lead one to believe the whole football program was a house of cards waiting to fall. You could say the whole athletic department as well.

I'll return to the shadows now. :chief:

I don't mind others stating their opinion, only when they believe it is something greater than one's belief.
I actually did wonder if there might be some conspiratorial elements behind the Cvijanovic official report at the time they were preparing it, but now I realize, if there were some group pulling behind-the-scenes shenanigans, it would have included the same people involved in the current AD search. Which means, by they time they formed a committee to draw up the conspiracy parameters, ran it by all the stakeholders to get buy-in, and began executing their 16-point conspiracy implementation flow chart, the 2015 football season would have been over. And then they would have been forced to extend Beckman for another two years to buy time to finalize all the steps in the plot to get rid of him.


Captain 'Paign
Phoenix, AZ
I actually did wonder if there might be some conspiratorial elements behind the Cvijanovic official report at the time they were preparing it, but now I realize, if there were some group pulling behind-the-scenes shenanigans, it would have included the same people involved in the current AD search. Which means, by they time they formed a committee to draw up the conspiracy parameters, ran it by all the stakeholders to get buy-in, and began executing their 16-point conspiracy implementation flow chart, the 2015 football season would have been over. And then they would have been forced to extend Beckman for another two years to buy time to finalize all the steps in the plot to get rid of him.


Thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed that. :thumb:


The desert
I got a message inbox if you want to give it a try.

I guess this is what happens when you attempt to piece together the truth with not looking for every small detail. I have a job and a newborn son.

I forget that people with different opinions usually get burned at the stake here, and that's why I stick to reading the site rather than posting. I'm still skeptical about how all of this went down, and really nothing you can tell me will sway me 100% the other way. It's not that I don't believe it happened; I think it really did. I just think that the timeline and how this process shook out tends to lead one to believe the whole football program was a house of cards waiting to fall. You could say the whole athletic department as well.

I'll return to the shadows now. :chief:

Like I said, it's simply the principle of Occam's razor. You don't need to sit there and pore over every detail right down to the minutiae to determine that it is highly unlikely that this was conspiratorial in nature. It just doesn't make sense that the administration would risk losing all that money by going through with the firing when they did or that they would leave the rest of the staff in place if they were conspiring against the regime.


The Transfer Portal with Do Not Contact Tag
I forget that people with different opinions usually get burned at the stake here, and that's why I stick to reading the site rather than posting.

That's actually not true at all. Look no further than the basketball board, which features near-daily arguments about the direction of the program. Same here when Beckman was still the coach. Same when we did the rebrand. Differing opinions flourish all the time.

I'm still skeptical about how all of this went down, and really nothing you can tell me will sway me 100% the other way. It's not that I don't believe it happened; I think it really did. I just think that the timeline and how this process shook out tends to lead one to believe the whole football program was a house of cards waiting to fall. You could say the whole athletic department as well.

That's all fair. I don't know how any of this ties back to your suggestion that Simon be blacklisted for raising what ended up being completely legitimate and alarming issues with our football program.

I hear regularly that college fandom is/should be different from pro sports in that you shouldn't turn on the players. They're students, they're not being paid, they're kids and they chose to go to the institution that we all did - they deserve the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure why they should lose all those privileges if they speak up about something that they view as wrong.

I was skeptical of the accusations when they arose, too, and was inclined to think it was an instance of two personalities that just really clashed. The findings of the report changed all that, and I'm not sure how they wouldn't for nearly anybody that a) read it and b) wants us to have a successful program they can be proud of.
That's hilarious!

Serious question to anyone, tho: Do you think Sergio was really being serious? I was a big fan of his when he played for us but :huh:

Dead serious. Fired as a high school coach. Fired as a JUCO coach. Hey come coach at Illinois!! Gulp, it might happen knowing this administration (not dead serious).


Morrison, CO
Dead serious. Fired as a high school coach. Fired as a JUCO coach. Hey come coach at Illinois!! Gulp, it might happen knowing this administration (not dead serious).

wow. just wow. Thanks for the reply. I was afraid that he was serious but couldn't really get my head around that level of delusion. Maybe we better hope our administration never hires an AD or this may actually come to pass.
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