Elijah Thomas transfers to Clemson

Not necessarily. If the thought is he would have to sit the first semester of next year anyway (which is entirely possible given the NCAA), it might not be a very big deal for Nichols to start his tenure as a scholarship athlete in the fall. The difference between him and ET is ceiling. Gaining that extra half semester could mean a good deal for a player like Nichols when he is a SR. You don't envision that with ET as he has a good bit of pro potential so only playing 3 years instead of 4 is less likely of a hindrance for his future earnings potential. Under this scenario Nichols sits all of 2016-2017 and starts essentially as a RS Fr in 2017-18. A lot of time not playing competitive ball for Nichols but may be best for his future.

Yet, he could do all that and still enroll for school in January on a basketball scholarship. Other than losing a scholarship and the opportunity to attend school earlier, Nichols has nothing to gain. Just because he enrolls in January does not mean that he does not have the option to sit the entire 2016-17 season if he elects to.
Elijah was injured? Then of course he comes here. What more proof is needed?
Yet, he could do all that and still enroll for school in January on a basketball scholarship. Other than losing a scholarship and the opportunity to attend school earlier, Nichols has nothing to gain. Just because he enrolls in January does not mean that he does not have the option to sit the entire 2016-17 season if he elects to.

Not really. I can't imagine it is solely his decision when to play. If he is eligible for the spring semester next year and the staff wants him to play when eligible, I cannot imagine it would go over well if he said he was going to wait until the following fall. The opposite is more likely to occur although it can also damage the staff-player relationship. The school does have the power in these situations and the staff could suggest he wait until the fall but they better be sure ET is coming if they even think about having that conversation.

What would be great right now is for the NCAA to be proactive in their rulings and tell the staff what their rulings are on Abrams, Thorne, and Nichols. That likely won't happen until about November of next year though knowing them.
If anything he's probably feeling pretty good that he didn't choose is. Get real people.

He is feeling sooooo good not that he did not choose us that he decided to celebrate by transferring mid-season.
Not really. I can't imagine it is solely his decision when to play. If he is eligible for the spring semester next year and the staff wants him to play when eligible, I cannot imagine it would go over well if he said he was going to wait until the following fall. The opposite is more likely to occur although it can also damage the staff-player relationship. The school does have the power in these situations and the staff could suggest he wait until the fall but they better be sure ET is coming if they even think about having that conversation.

Of course the school can strong arm him, as they can decide to not renew the scholarship to an existing player at the end of the season. But in that case, it would not be to Nichols best interest to come to UI to begin with. Under that scenario, one can question why would Nichols still want to enroll at Illinois and not transfer somewhere else: the schools is forcing him to stay away from basketball, with no scholarship, no practice, and no ability to attend classes. If UI wanted Nichols to play next Spring, I am pretty sure that has been discussed already and he had agreed to before deciding to transfer.

What would be great right now is for the NCAA to be proactive in their rulings and tell the staff what their rulings are on Abrams, Thorne, and Nichols. That likely won't happen until about November of next year though knowing them.

In the case of Thorne (and probably Abrams) the decision would require a season-ending injury, which I would imagine necessitates the season to actually end before making a ruling. But in either case, I'd agree that is wishful thinking even if they already knew :)
He isn't coming here.

Haha, I can't believe people are actually running with this. It started out as lighthearted, tounge in cheek and then quickly escalated into people drawing up scenarios.

...and I thought Bill Walton smoked the good stuff.
Haha, I can't believe people are actually running with this. It started out as lighthearted, tounge in cheek and then quickly escalated into people drawing up scenarios.

...and I thought Bill Walton smoked the good stuff.

Discussing scenarios does not require one to think ET is going to try to transfer to UofI.
Where would we find room for him to be a starter considering how strong Finke has been offensively?

It'd be cool if he was 2 inches taller and then he could play the 5. But otherwise, I don't know how you find time for him with Finke/Black.

We need a 5 and a PG. But, with his talent level, I'd welcome him anytime.
People need to get the idea of Thorne returning out of their head. It's not happening. His situation is as cut and dry as they come in regards to the NCAA rules for a sixth year of eligibility. He voluntarily redshirted his freshman year, and is therefore ineligible for a 6th year waiver.

Meanwhile, Tracy is on the other side of the spectrum, as a perfect candidate for a sixth year of eligibility according to the rules.

Been proven otherwise....it was a medical redshirt....
People need to get the idea of Thorne returning out of their head. It's not happening. His situation is as cut and dry as they come in regards to the NCAA rules for a sixth year of eligibility. He voluntarily redshirted his freshman year, and is therefore ineligible for a 6th year waiver.

Meanwhile, Tracy is on the other side of the spectrum, as a perfect candidate for a sixth year of eligibility according to the rules.

He confirmed on twitter that he was granted a medical hardship waiver his freshman year. You can't believe everything you read on twitter but there's no reason for him to lie about it.
People need to get the idea of Thorne returning out of their head. It's not happening. His situation is as cut and dry as they come in regards to the NCAA rules for a sixth year of eligibility. He voluntarily redshirted his freshman year, and is therefore ineligible for a 6th year waiver.

Meanwhile, Tracy is on the other side of the spectrum, as a perfect candidate for a sixth year of eligibility according to the rules.

Not sure you are right about Thorne's situation. I have heard both ways on this. It is certainly not as cut and dried as you indicate. There was a medical reason Thorne redshirted originally from what I heard last week. That could change things, if true.
YES! THE will ET play the 4 or 5 for Groce debate is back. Its like we went back in time a year.