Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2017)

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So THT either comes here


He doesn't. While the topic now is why he doesn't, my question is who do we go after next? Wait and see what Tim Finke does? Full court on BPJ?
It is true. Brock, Tate, Williams, Nunn.... that is object fact.

Do you remember how beloved Simeon had Derek Rose play us during his recruiting as to keep the pressure on Memphis? Had him visit one day before he committed to Memphis? They used us as a pawn.

I'm going in the corner with the Irvins. Simeon has given us nothing but their leftovers.

Mick,Deon,Turner,Notree and Nunn messed up himself was still a good player
No one. That's sort of the point. The whole idea here is to basically throw them a bone with the idea that our relationship with them improves from "nonexistent" to "we have a chance now" with their big fish.
Uhhhh, we have had a ton of Fire players. Meyers Leonard was on the fire. We had almost whole classes that came from the fire.

Underwood made the right choice, I'm mad that he was forced to make the choice.

If you look at it we are comparing Ayo and a very strong chance at kahlil Whitney and Adam Miller vs THT and nothing. Also Ayo makes a bigger splash in the eyes of guys like Okoro, especially if he's a McDs AS.

The choice was easy being put in that spot was the ridiculous part.

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Something changed within the past 24 hours. To think otherwise is to ignore the obvious circumstantial evidence.

This is what I don't get. As of this morning, people were betting their beach houses that THT was going to happen. What happened between this morning and now to completely change things? If the Irvins felt this strongly, why was he quoted as saying that there were no issues? It's the set up for disappointment that makes me frustrated. Nothing should have changed from the official and today. That is, THT should've been leaning non-Illini from that point on if the Irvins were not going to let this happen. And all of the crystal balls would've indicated this.
I am laughing a little at the outrage here. No doubt about it, this situation sucks for THT (if he really did want to attend Illinois) and has a bad look to it. But how many of us on here for years have repeatedly harped on needed to work a little in the "grey area" of recruiting? Welcome to the grey area, folks, where power plays and tit-for-tat politics in the AAU can play a role in current and future recruiting for years.

It's a bad look for a number of people involved right now, but if it helps us finally make inroads with the Irvins, who coach a ton of the best in-state talent, then it can still be a long-term win for us, even if it looks kind of crappy now. That's the calculus the staff is likely using.

Had a bad taste in my mouth Abit ago, till I realized what happened. Seems BU took the choice he thinks best for the program. He has the reigns, we need to choose to follow or go along. :illinois: been with for 50 years of following, will stay the course. Time to move on, next recruits, and maybe we will get story later.
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Uhhhh, we have had a ton of Fire players. Meyers Leonard was on the fire. We had almost whole classes that came from the fire.

Underwood made the right choice, I'm mad that he was forced to make the choice.

If you look at it we are comparing Ayo and a very strong chance at kahlil Whitney and Adam Miller vs THT and nothing. Also Ayo makes a bigger splash in the eyes of guys like Okoro, especially if he's a McDs AS.

The choice was easy being put in that spot was the ridiculous part.

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Conjecture!!! Can we please stop with the conjecture??!! For crying out loud!
Uhhhh, we have had a ton of Fire players. Meyers Leonard was on the fire. We had almost whole classes that came from the fire.

Underwood made the right choice, I'm mad that he was forced to make the choice.

If you look at it we are comparing Ayo and a very strong chance at kahlil Whitney and Adam Miller vs THT and nothing. Also Ayo makes a bigger splash in the eyes of guys like Okoro, especially if he's a McDs AS.

The choice was easy being put in that spot was the ridiculous part.

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We have gotten players from MIF, but they haven't really "given" us any as far as I know. Successfully recruiting a player from the team is one thing, but having the coach willing to essentially tell his players "yeah that's a good program" is a different ballgame, and I don't recall hearing of the Irivins ever doing that for their top flight talent.
If this is true, it is a shame that college basketball is that slimy. I have a hard time justifying having a kid take an OV and then pulling his offer less than 24 hours before he commits. I feel you have to stand for what is right and not for winning at all costs. To sell your soul for a recruit or potential recruits is wrong imho. I would never last as a basketball coach recruiting Chicago because I could not compromise my belief system.
Uhhhh, we have had a ton of Fire players. Meyers Leonard was on the fire. We had almost whole classes that came from the fire.

Underwood made the right choice, I'm mad that he was forced to make the choice.

If you look at it we are comparing Ayo and a very strong chance at kahlil Whitney and Adam Miller vs THT and nothing. Also Ayo makes a bigger splash in the eyes of guys like Okoro, especially if he's a McDs AS.

The choice was easy being put in that spot was the ridiculous part.

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The choice was a no brainer. And no, we shouldn't be "better than this" if the Kansas's, Duke's and Kentucky's of the world arent even "better than this".

This is the norm. Get used to it f you want to be a successful program.
This is what I don't get. As of this morning, people were betting their beach houses that THT was going to happen. What happened between this morning and now to completely change things? If the Irvins felt this strongly, why was he quoted as saying that there were no issues? It's the set up for disappointment that makes me frustrated. Nothing should have changed from the official and today. That is, THT should've been leaning non-Illini from that point on if the Irvins were not going to let this happen. And all of the crystal balls would've indicated this.

Technically he said there was no tension between Ayo and THT. Guess no one asked if there was tension between himself and THT.
Technically he said there was no tension between Ayo and THT. Guess no one asked if there was tension between himself and THT.

name me a morgan park player we have got at all

Again, that's sort of the point here. We want inroads with more talent that wasn't there before. If this helps, then so be it.
Right now, it is about the future.

The present could have been dynamite.

UoI can and should right that ship.
Aside from the MIF vs Simeon/THT bs.

I don't want THT because we already have Smith/TJL/Ayo who drive to the basket better than shooting.

We don't need another who likes to attack the basket. We need someone that can create spacing for Smith/TJL/Ayo. I don't think THT is the good choice to be that guy.

A sub 100 ranked 6'5" power forward, yeah, no big loss.
Right now, it is about the future.

The present could have been dynamite.

UoI can and should right that ship.
looks like we lost our wing and I would venture to say BU lost some self respect.

on the bright side, we have 4 candidate point guards next year with Ayo and Irvins will be buddies with us for awhile...until they are not.

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