Coaching Carousel

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Everything is fine. Good night.
The irony of this post with your account name is just
Lachlan Murdoch Reaction GIF by Murdoch Mysteries
That's not being pessimistic. It is based on fact. There are multiple examples of times when Illinois has been so close to the basketball mountaintop only to have something unforeseen happen to dash their hopes.

There's definitely some luck --every program has ups and downs, but having a rabid fan base with boosters that back up the program make a big difference too. I'm impressed they fought so hard to keep OA --seems like there was no shortage of effort. But that said, it's going to be very hard to get someone close to his level of connections, let alone his ability to navigate, what is often a messy recruiting process.
So, IF OA and Chin both leave, is it safe to say that Ayo "brought" them here? Now that he's gone, they're both, possibly, leaving.
I'm going to read too much into the timing of the UK jobs being posted (again) and assume they're getting Chin as well (posted at the same time). That + if Illinois history is any guide, no news = bad news.
Thinking out of the box, but an interesting replacement could be IMG Academy HC Sean McAloon. He is an international recruiter and has been coach of the year for 6 times. I think he could replace anyone of our assistants. I am also on board with Frazier and Powell.
Similar thinking would be Kevin Boyle of Montverde, best recruiter in the country and a very smart coach.
I don't get the Gentry rumor....I mean BU hired Gentry from Gonzaga just a couple years ago....correct......what has changed at Gonzaga in that time frame that would lure him back???.....or maybe it's something that has or hasn't happened here???.....anyway..if Gentry goes back to Gonzaga that would be more concerning to me than any of the other AC leaving, just because of the way it would look and the whys???
I don't get the Gentry rumor....I mean BU hired Gentry from Gonzaga just a couple years ago....correct......what has changed at Gonzaga in that time frame that would lure him back???.....or maybe it's something that has or hasn't happened here???.....anyway..if Gentry goes back to Gonzaga that would be more concerning to me than any of the other AC leaving, just because of the way it would look and the whys???
One thing is that they lost their top assistant and future coach in waiting.
I don't get the Gentry rumor....I mean BU hired Gentry from Gonzaga just a couple years ago....correct......what has changed at Gonzaga in that time frame that would lure him back???.....or maybe it's something that has or hasn't happened here???.....anyway..if Gentry goes back to Gonzaga that would be more concerning to me than any of the other AC leaving, just because of the way it would look and the whys???
Wasn’t Gentry in a non- recruiting/floor role at Gonzaga then?
As a huge fan of Bloodsport that is not Chong Li.
excited bolo yeung GIF by hero0fwar
mea cupla, i stand corrected.

-Frank Dux (JCVD) VS Pumola (what i had initially posted)

-Frank Dux (JCVD) VS Chong Li

now corrected, i hope we are on the giving end and not receiving end after things settle out with recent staff/player changes

All I've learned from this thread is that the pessimists come out in full force when something negative is likely to happen before seeing how everything plays out. Some of you need to stop with the "sky is falling" mentality before all the pieces fall into place.

P.S. Illinois isn't somehow special when it comes to program setbacks when trying to break into that upper echelon of current college basketball programs.
I don't get the Gentry rumor....I mean BU hired Gentry from Gonzaga just a couple years ago....correct......what has changed at Gonzaga in that time frame that would lure him back???.....or maybe it's something that has or hasn't happened here???.....anyway..if Gentry goes back to Gonzaga that would be more concerning to me than any of the other AC leaving, just because of the way it would look and the whys???
He wasn't an AC there. His title was something like Dir. of Basketball Operations.
I having a question for all you with a little more expertise than me. When contracts are signed with head coaches is it the same with assistants? Is the university / athletic dept protected in any way when an assistant up and wants to leave because they are being poached by another school / program ?? The coaches seem to be protected by contracts when they are fired, it don 't work both ways? I sure hope Coach Underwood already has his next assistants lined up since he knows what is happening.....
Goode, or his dad, made a statement that he was an Illini no matter what or somethjng to that effect.
Sounds like they were prescient, or giving us a heads-up. Didn't they come out with this before we heard about the assistants?
Now that the AM saga is over, when can we expect the Chin and Gentry saga's to end ????

Soon, I hope.......

Then it's hiring new coaches....

Then it's seeing who's staying.....

Then it's seeing who's leaving .....

Then it's recruiting again....

Then it's starting summer workouts.....

Then it's............................

WHEW, seems like our plate is full of fun stuff to analyze, fret about and some proclaim the demise of the program.....

Then it's time for me to say.......

I'M A DIEHARD ILLINI FAN AND LET'S GIT IT ON .............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ILLINI .........................

No one saw the hiring of Underwood or Lovie coming. These were statement-making hires that surprised almost everyone (who wasn’t an ‘Insider’). Would not be surprised to see something like this again with the hiring of new Assistants. Whether they are former Illini or not. Think outside the box... reel in some Big Surprising Fish.

The Mountaintop is too close now to fall back. These guys know that. The destiny of the next 20 years is at stake.
I don't get the Gentry rumor....I mean BU hired Gentry from Gonzaga just a couple years ago....correct......what has changed at Gonzaga in that time frame that would lure him back???.....

He wasn’t an asst coach at Gonzaga before. He was Director of Baskerball Ops.

If Few is offering him an assistant job, then that would be a promotion from what he had there before.
All I've learned from this thread is that the pessimists come out in full force when something negative is likely to happen before seeing how everything plays out. Some of you need to stop with the "sky is falling" mentality before all the pieces fall into place.

P.S. Illinois isn't somehow special when it comes to program setbacks when trying to break into that upper echelon of current college basketball programs.
Well said.
Similar thinking would be Kevin Boyle of Montverde, best recruiter in the country and a very smart coach.
How did he earn the title "best recruiter in the country"? And, btw, not trying to be "smart", just interested in who he has recruited.
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How did he earn the title "best recruiter in the country"? And, btw, not trying to be "smart", just interested in who he has recruited.
Montverde is the top h.s. program in the country, they recruit players from all parts of the U.S. Probably has had more future NBA players go through there than any other school. He's the highest paid h. s. coach in the country. BTW, I would not want us to hire a h.s. coach.
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