Illini in the NBA

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Kinda, but not really. Bulls are already over the soft cap, but about $3 mil under the luxury tax threshold. Also, most contending teams just pay the tax. There are already 13 teams over the luxury tax threshold for this season. The Bulls do have a hard cap, which is imposed any time a team does a sign and trade, but they're about $10 mil under that. So they could trade Ayo for someone making in the neighborhood of $11 mil if they wanted to.
Don’t the salaries within a trade need to match more or less, or is that no longer the case. When I read the original post that is what I thought was being referenced not salary cap.
Don’t the salaries within a trade need to match more or less, or is that no longer the case. When I read the original post that is what I thought was being referenced not salary cap.
Ah, you're right, forgot about that wrinkle. My
bad. I looked it up and that applies if team is over tax level cap or would be over tax level with trade. So it seems like with an Ayo-only trade the salary of player in return would be capped at about $4mil. Unless the Bulls have a trade exception they can use, which I have no idea if they do. NBA trade rules are unnecessarily complex lol.
I'd rather see Ayo with a very good bulls team playing 12 minutes than a bad team playing 20 minutes.

I think having veterans Lavine, Ball, Caruso and Derozen to learn from much better than other situations.
I 100% agree, and also think it's easier to develop bad habits playing for a bad team. On a good team, you can't afford to make mistakes. I like Coby but think you trade him over Ayo b/c you are going to get a better return. I don't think Ayo, at this stage, brings back anything in a trade that can move the needle. His value to the Bulls in terms of excitement, maturity, etc., is higher than his value would be to most other teams.
So true. Look at a guy like Duarte in Indy. Getting 30+ minutes a game. Ayo would thrive with that kind of time(as many in the nba would). It’s a nice story for him to go to Chicago, but his playing time is going to be so wildly inconsistent that I wouldn’t be shocked to see him wind up in the g league for stretches. And that’s not the direction that’s good for him

Duarte was a lottery pick. There is no reason to expect Ayo to get that many minutes right now.

They are 6 games into the season. He'll get playing time if he continues to hustle and play defense.
I said it before, but I thought Ayo's game could mimic Derozan's with all those 2 point jumpers, getting to his spot, etc. I think Ayo's in a great spot to get to learn from him and gain experience developing his own game. I think he's playing a little scared on the offensive end. I don't think he's seen 7 footers keep up with his speed and I feel like he's missing layups that he normally makes in his sleep. He'll adapt...he always has.
I said it before, but I thought Ayo's game could mimic Derozan's with all those 2 point jumpers, getting to his spot, etc. I think Ayo's in a great spot to get to learn from him and gain experience developing his own game. I think he's playing a little scared on the offensive end. I don't think he's seen 7 footers keep up with his speed and I feel like he's missing layups that he normally makes in his sleep. He'll adapt...he always has.
I like DeRozan's game but hope Ayo becomes a bit more capable and willing to take/hit the 3. For all his talent, if it weren't for the Bulls, DeRozan might be making ~$10 mil this year, and a lot of that depressed market has to do with his unwillingness to launch 3s. For better or worse, that's the way the game is played these days and if you want to be in super high demand, you gotta be able to hit from distance. The other parts of DeRozan's game are a good template though. I've always thought Ayo's goal should be a combination of Khris Middleton (on offense) and Jrue Holiday (on defense), but DeRozan + Ball/Caruso isn't a shabby goal either.
I like DeRozan's game but hope Ayo becomes a bit more capable and willing to take/hit the 3. For all his talent, if it weren't for the Bulls, DeRozan might be making ~$10 mil this year, and a lot of that depressed market has to do with his unwillingness to launch 3s. For better or worse, that's the way the game is played these days and if you want to be in super high demand, you gotta be able to hit from distance. The other parts of DeRozan's game are a good template though. I've always thought Ayo's goal should be a combination of Khris Middleton (on offense) and Jrue Holiday (on defense), but DeRozan + Ball/Caruso isn't a shabby goal either.

DeRozan has always been an explosive athlete too which Ayo is not. It helps his game that he can blow by and dunk on defenders or just rise up over them for a jumpe. I don't Ayo is really capable of that at this level.

I do think Ayo is going to get better at finishing based on how much he improved from freshman when he was getting stuffed a lot to. Like you said though the 3 ball is a huge part of the NBA game and he needs to get more consistent there if he wants to have a regular role in the future.
DeRozan has always been an explosive athlete too which Ayo is not. It helps his game that he can blow by and dunk on defenders or just rise up over them for a jumpe. I don't Ayo is really capable of that at this level.

I do think Ayo is going to get better at finishing based on how much he improved from freshman when he was getting stuffed a lot to. Like you said though the 3 ball is a huge part of the NBA game and he needs to get more consistent there if he wants to have a regular role in the future.
Was watching some highlights, and Ayo can get to the basket. I know he's not going to jump over people, but he can get to the hoop. He probably needs more strength to help him finish.
I will never underestimate Ayo and what he can or can't do....he might not be able to do some things now, but give him time to work on it and he will at least get better at it....His improvement from his frosh year to the end of his Illini career was amazing and i really think he has the mental strength to work his tail off to overcome whatever he lacks now to become , if not a star , a steady producer at this level.....
I will never underestimate Ayo and what he can or can't do....he might not be able to do some things now, but give him time to work on it and he will at least get better at it....His improvement from his frosh year to the end of his Illini career was amazing and i really think he has the mental strength to work his tail off to overcome whatever he lacks now to become , if not a star , a steady producer at this level.....

I want to agree with you and I love watching Ayo garner minutes for the Bulls so early in his career. I want him to succeed so much because he was a great student athlete while at IL and comes from a terrific family. If anyone deserves success, it is him. But I just am not seeing what he brings to this team from a perspective of offense, especially a team that is so loaded in the back court. I hope like hell I'm wrong and that Ayo improves his game throughout his career to the point where he is a strong contributor to the team he is on. But judging from my own 2 eyes, there are times where aside from good to great defense he just looks invisible out there. It's very very early in the season and it could just simply be a thing where he's finding his niche on this team, and him understanding his role for this team that he's letting things come to him and he's not pressing things too much. Get to the All Star break, he could be literally a completely different time of rookie/player and be contributing more in the box score.
DeRozan has always been an explosive athlete too which Ayo is not. It helps his game that he can blow by and dunk on defenders or just rise up over them for a jumpe. I don't Ayo is really capable of that at this level.

I do think Ayo is going to get better at finishing based on how much he improved from freshman when he was getting stuffed a lot to. Like you said though the 3 ball is a huge part of the NBA game and he needs to get more consistent there if he wants to have a regular role in the future.
Was curious about how DeRozan's athleticism was judged coming out of college, and couldn't remember where he went, so did some googling. Answer is he was a very highly regarded athlete, top 5 recruit, burger boy, one and done and #9 pick in draft. All the stuff. But that's not what this post is about.

I was really surprised to learn that USC retired dude's number based on one year, in which he scored 13.9 ppg (third on team), and was on a team that got a #10 seed to the tourney and lost in the 2nd round. He did win the Pac-10 tourney MVP (and USC won the tourney) and he did make the Pac-10 all freshman team. I think that's a pretty thin resume on which to retire his number. Especially since he's only one of 7 players to ever have their numbers retired by that program. That is all, end rant.
I want to agree with you and I love watching Ayo garner minutes for the Bulls so early in his career. I want him to succeed so much because he was a great student athlete while at IL and comes from a terrific family. If anyone deserves success, it is him. But I just am not seeing what he brings to this team from a perspective of offense, especially a team that is so loaded in the back court. I hope like hell I'm wrong and that Ayo improves his game throughout his career to the point where he is a strong contributor to the team he is on. But judging from my own 2 eyes, there are times where aside from good to great defense he just looks invisible out there. It's very very early in the season and it could just simply be a thing where he's finding his niche on this team, and him understanding his role for this team that he's letting things come to him and he's not pressing things too much. Get to the All Star break, he could be literally a completely different time of rookie/player and be contributing more in the box score.
I don't think he is being asked to bring the offense. He basically is being asked to bring energy, be a threat from 3 if needed, and just defend. So it might be difficult to judge him this early on his offensive skills at the NBA level. I agree it's a loaded backcourt, but obviously Donovan believes he brings something and I think all he is being asked to do is defend and bring energy. When they get into their half court set, he's buried in the corner almost as if they are just trying to keep a defender out of the way and play a little 4 v 4. But as he gets comfortable with the speed and continues to work on his skills and athleticism, I think you'll see a different Ayo by year end. Not sure about All-sTar break, but definitely by Year End. How cool is it though that we get to talk about an Illini like this?!
Ayo is having a great stretch here. Defense, a couple of buckets and after watching one defensive rebound get away by not crashing the boards he was all over one. It likes BU was in his !!! after not crashing the boards from the guard spot. 😂😂
I'm gonna watch the second half of the Bulls-Celtics game ....hope Ayo gets a lot of tick...........
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