Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Underwood has a good track record of playing freshman, so I'm sure he can earn his way into a spot in the rotation. That said, he will have to earn it. I think the guards will be deeper this year.

Agree. I think DGL could already contribute offensively and needs to be in rotation. Will need to be selective about match ups on D, but he appears he can create his own issues for the other team. If he is not a head case he can be a player down the road. If he sits all year he is gone.

His father spoke on why he thinks Illinois is the place that can get the most out of him.

“They see him as a vital piece to the future of Illinois basketball. They’re going to be able to use him as a point guard and a combo guard. I think in tough situations, like at the end of the shot clock, he’s a guy they’re going to depend on to make plays. They understand what type of guard he is,” Gibbs said. “The plan they have for him is exactly what we want. Uptempo. Coach Underwood is going to open up the floor and let you do what you need to do. He’s not trying to deter him from what he does best. It really boils down to going somewhere that fits your game. I think playing right away is important. They didn’t say: ‘Oh, he’ll play right away.’ But they know what type of competitor he is, so they know he’s going to play right away — not because they say it but because he’ll earn it. They want him to come on campus and be ready to go next year.

“I think it’s a really, really good situation for Drayvn.”
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Let's see what he does against 22 and 23 year old men instead of other 17 year olds.

If he needs to be in the rotation as a freshman in order to stay...

Snoop Dogg Reaction GIF
How is different from any other highly recruited freshman?
What’s funny is this happened a week ago, but you’re the first I’ve seen post it. I almost did a few days ago, but was afraid it might be. — in the old Brumby Illiniboard parlance — “German.”
Can someone remind me what that board was and where that board went? I went dormant for a while but participated there (whatever it’s url was).
Unfortunately with all of that depth, we would lose multiple players the following season to the portal because they are not getting enough playing time/not getting enough NIL. I hate the new NCAA and what is allowed.
Thats the new game. But we will lose TJ, Hawk, Domask, Guerrier and Dennis is he comes. That leaves plenty of playing time next year. As of right now, Johnson is the only one coming in so far. So we will have 9 players with once again, a need for a PG. Who ever leaves from that, we can recruit more coming in, especially if we make a deep run next season.
Personal story since wth.

Townie, 1970s to 1990s. Illinek and Maroon. Paid 25 cents to see Mike Wells get clocked by Sonny Sixkiller.

Brother was classmates with Andy Moeller and probably helped form Moeller’s hatred of all things Illini.

Regular with 4 digit member number at Illiini Inn in the 80s.

Left for good - no employment - in 1992; Seattle area since. Remained loyal to the Orange and Blue.
I have a source who is in the subscription message board business and he just told me his understanding is that all of the interest from other programs has muddied the once clear waters with the RayJ situation. He went on to add that Hawkins was currently looking like a coin flip to stay or go and TSJ was 30-50% to stay. What I heard plus the substantive radio silence here makes me think things aren’t the lock they were once believed to be. I’ll be happy to eat my hat if things get locked down soon. But man I’m not feeling comfy over here.
I have a source who is in the subscription message board business and he just told me his understanding is that all of the interest from other programs has muddied the once clear waters with the RayJ situation. He went on to add that Hawkins was currently looking like a coin flip to stay or go and TSJ was 30-50% to stay. What I heard plus the substantive radio silence here makes me think things aren’t the lock they were once believed to be. I’ll be happy to eat my hat if things get locked down soon. But man I’m not feeling comfy over here.
Tired Ariana Grande GIF by NETFLIX
I have a source who is in the subscription message board business and he just told me his understanding is that all of the interest from other programs has muddied the once clear waters with the RayJ situation. He went on to add that Hawkins was currently looking like a coin flip to stay or go and TSJ was 30-50% to stay. What I heard plus the substantive radio silence here makes me think things aren’t the lock they were once believed to be. I’ll be happy to eat my hat if things get locked down soon. But man I’m not feeling comfy over here.

Re-tune your radio. I would think that could solve your problem, at least in the immediate future.
I have a source who is in the subscription message board business and he just told me his understanding is that all of the interest from other programs has muddied the once clear waters with the RayJ situation. He went on to add that Hawkins was currently looking like a coin flip to stay or go and TSJ was 30-50% to stay. What I heard plus the substantive radio silence here makes me think things aren’t the lock they were once believed to be. I’ll be happy to eat my hat if things get locked down soon. But man I’m not feeling comfy over here.
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Ahhhhhhhh ! The good Ole days. Think that was the one I jumped on in late 90s while pretending to be hard at work at Wolfram Research. I think the coaching search that landed Lon Kruger is what sucked me in.
Anyone remember the old message boards? They were unregulated and a very hot mess, but I loved that each team had a dedicated board on one website. It was very primitive by modern standards.
Personal story since wth.

Townie, 1970s to 1990s. Illinek and Maroon. Paid 25 cents to see Mike Wells get clocked by Sonny Sixkiller.

Brother was classmates with Andy Moeller and probably helped form Moeller’s hatred of all things Illini.

Regular with 4 digit member number at Illiini Inn in the 80s.

Left for good - no employment - in 1992; Seattle area since. Remained loyal to the Orange and Blue.
I’m very impressed with your 4 digit Mugclub number. I’m 25728 and joined in 1995. My brother told me “when they ring that bell, drink as fast as you freakin’ (he used another word) can.” I did and the rest is history
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