Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread

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Is that last tag in jest or am I missing something? I know the kingfisher as mascot idea was tossed around a while ago, but not sure I like offerees using it and thinking it is real.

kid is 17 yo and is a product of the deep south. I don't think it's going too far out on a limb that up until our offer, he knew squat about us. at least he didn't thank Illinois University.
It’s what everyone is going to do

It’s also what everyone used to do. Develop your freshman and maximize them as seniors. Then the one and done guys became a thing. Now with the portal and NIL, we’re back to being old, it’s just that you’re taking somebody else’s freshman and sophomores and turning them into your juniors and seniors and reaping the experience/development benefit that way.
I have a source who is in the subscription message board business and he just told me his understanding is that all of the interest from other programs has muddied the once clear waters with the RayJ situation. He went on to add that Hawkins was currently looking like a coin flip to stay or go and TSJ was 30-50% to stay. What I heard plus the substantive radio silence here makes me think things aren’t the lock they were once believed to be. I’ll be happy to eat my hat if things get locked down soon. But man I’m not feeling comfy over here.
I'm no insider, but when a kid has been connected to a school before he was even officially in the portal, it's not hard to see why it might be a good idea for both the school and the kid to play things a little slower. Maybe even go visit another school or two. Just saying, y'know, hypothetically.
I’m very impressed with your 4 digit Mugclub number. I’m 25728 and joined in 1995. My brother told me “when they ring that bell, drink as fast as you freakin’ (he used another word) can.” I did and the rest is history
Aw shucks.

I got a free beer with my old card at the new Illini Inn! Kept it laminated all these years. They thought it was worth a comp.
Like it did for OJ?
Jumping Oj Simpson GIF

kid is 17 yo and is a product of the deep south. I don't think it's going too far out on a limb that up until our offer, he knew squat about us. at least he didn't thank Illinois University.
Point taken. But I was already annoyed at Illinois University and the outdated logos, emblems, etc. used by many recruits.

You are correct to alter expectations but that mascot junk struck a nerve.
My ex wife is friends of his family. Thanks for sharing this picture
That's fabulous. SI, Oct. 4, 1971. I was not quite six years old, in kindergarten, and thought he was cool. I have a vague memory of him also being on the cover of Boys' Life magazine, which my older brothers got.

I just looked him up and am pleased to see he's a BD mgr for Huskies Sports Properties. Also read the article from that '71 SI on SI Vault. He was the subject of a hit song called "The Ballad of Sonny Sixkiller." Two straight 8-3 seasons his JR/SR years. Pity he didn't make it to the Rose Bowl. USC and Stanford were just a smidge better at the time.

Years later when I was an adult I read an account of the terrible racism he encountered from "fans." SMH.
Is that last tag in jest or am I missing something? I know the kingfisher as mascot idea was tossed around a while ago, but not sure I like offerees using it and thinking it is real.
If you Google Illini mascot, you'll come up with the Chief first (of course) and then several news stories about the "new" illinois mascot the Kingfisher.
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