NBA/Pro/International Basketball

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I agree with poster about the Krause incident. Completely classless. I have no great love for Krause and his role in the breaking up of Bulls, but there would not have been anything to break up without Krause.

That's OK as far as that goes, but there is much more at work here.

Of course it was a classless thing by those Bulls fans who booed. But the fans only bear at most half the blame. The other half is totally owned by the Chicago Bulls Management and Owner. Someone in that organization should have known that the Krause name was going to be heavily booed. It has been that way for years any time that name came up. So it is just as much a fault of the franchise as it is for those fans who could have shown a bit more class than the Bull’s pathetic powers-that-be. Actually it was more the Bulls fault because THEY invited her and not the fans.

Did a Krause family member have a ‘right’ to be there? About that there is no debate. But just because someone has a right like this does not mean that fans are going forget their anger at what Krause did to the team, players, and Bulls fans when he wrecked the team. As said, it would have been classy for all Bulls fans at least be quiet... but passions took over.

And truth be told... this was a bit of Karma. What one sows, they reap. While Krause himself is not around to hear those boos... his other-half did. His actions came down on her. That’s how Karma works. Sometimes what one sows does not come back directly upon them but upon someone close to them. And we saw this last night.

And the ongoing, long-time pathetic state of the Bulls franchise could also be given a good share of the blame. If the Bulls had been a truly top-competitive NBA team like that used to be... fans would have felt some success and might have been more forgiving. But that was not the case. Again – Karma coming back on the Bulls for what they sowed after the Dynasty Teams were broken up for no good reason.

So the honest truth is that there is plenty of blame to go around for the booing that rained down on the West Side of Chicago. And just to set the record straight... these opinions from me come from someone who once was a Bulls season ticket holder for a while and has felt the passion of those fans who come out even on snowy and brutally-cold nights.

Bulls fans really care about this team. While it’s obvious that many members of the Bulls organization do not. Nor do they seem to have a clue about anything.
And truth be told... this was a bit of Karma. What one sows, they reap. While Krause himself is not around to hear those boos... his other-half did. His actions came down on her. That’s how Karma works. Sometimes what one sows does not come back directly upon them but upon someone close to them. And we saw this last night.
What a brutal take. I don’t have an opinion on Krause, but I know this. He built the dynasty. Yes, he killed it before it died on its own, with the goal of building another one. What is the “karma” in that? He made hard decisions like the current Bulls leadership refuses to do. It didn’t work out. So you think that’s karma and his “other half” deserves abuse from a bunch of jock sniffers who worship basketball players? Very strange take. And perhaps the worst take I’ve seen in awhile is this: “His actions came down on her. That’s how Karma works.” Big part of what’s wrong with our society. You think it’s ok to torture an old lady who loved her husband because he made a business decision that didn’t go well for your team? Weird, dude, just weird.
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Was I sad when the dynasty broke up in 98? No doubt. The dark times that followed made the pain even worse. I hate that it ended.

But there is no dynasty without Jerry Krause. That's a 100% fact. He built those teams that made basketball exciting and enjoyable not just for Bulls fans but for NBA fans as a whole. You can thank the Last Dance in large part for painting Krause as the villain, and there was always signficant resentment towards hm long before that, but in the eyes of Bulls fans he will always be the 'guy who tore down the dynasty' rather than the 'guy who built the dynasty.'

Disgraceful act by Bulls fans, and to boo while his wife was there in tears makes it even more shameful. I'm happy that Stacey King put them on blast. He's absolutely correct in his "this is not Philly or New York" quote. Do better, Bulls fans.
Last night’s Bulls game is a prime example of why I really don’t enjoy NBA that much and probably why others love it. Bulls lost 140-131 (not an OT game) and had 1 steal while forcing just 3 turnovers.

I don’t know if Bulls have an assistant coach who concentrates on defense, but if they don’t, better get one and if they do, might want to get rid of him.

You expect them to play a low scoring game against a team like the Warriors???
What a brutal take. I don’t have an opinion on Krause, but I know this. He built the dynasty. Yes, he killed it before it died on its own, with the goal of building another one. What is the “karma” in that? He made hard decisions like the current Bulls leadership refuses to do. It didn’t work out. So you think that’s karma and his “other half” deserves abuse from a bunch of jock sniffers who worship basketball players? Very strange take. And perhaps the worst take I’ve seen in awhile is this: “His actions came down on her. That’s how Karma works.” Big part of what’s wrong with our society. You think it’s ok to torture an old lady who loved her husband because he made a business decision that didn’t go well for your team? Weird, dude, just weird.

Krause has no dynasty without the players. And his disrespectful acts toward players are well known to those closest to the scene. And both he and The Owner are legendary in their total disrespect for Bulls and White Sox fans.

Again, I am not justifying the booing. I would have preferred stone-cold silence. THAT would have sent the right message.

But asking fans who have poured their hearts and wallets into this franchise for generations to forget how angry and frustrated they are would take an act of a saint. And not too many Bulls fans have been called ‘saints’ lately.

But I stand firm in that the Bulls never should have asked his widow to come. But maybe they knew what would happen and did that deliberately to make Bulls fans look bad so that They could look good. That's how they think.

This regime has not earned the trust of Bulls fans. Bulls fans follow this team not because of who is running them but in spite of who is running them.

And Jordan wanted no part of this charade. He stayed away and was the smartest man not in the room.

I feel sorry for his widow. She was an unwilling target in something she had no part in. But she allowed herself to be used and so what happened... happened.

Speaking again of Karma... there is a bad karma around this franchise. And they need to fix that as much as getting better players and a better owner.

None of this is just some Hot Take for the sake of a Hot Take. This is an accurate telling of the facts.
Accurate facts? Oh, so you know that “maybe they [Bulls] knew what would happen and did that deliberately to make Bulls fans look bad so that They could look good.” You know “That's how they think.”? Facts in your mind maybe.

And thanks for that sage wisdom that “Krause has no dynasty without the players.” While true. there is also no dynasty without Krause. Triangle offense, Tex Winter, Phil Jackson? None of those become synonymous with Bulls without Krause. He also drafted or traded for just about everyone but Jordan on those teams. Jordan didn’t want his buddy Charles Oakley traded. Krause makes deal anyway and Bill Cartwright is starting center on 3 championship teams. Jordan wants Bulls to draft someone else instead of Horace Grant. Grant goes on to be key piece of 3 championships.

There is no doubt Jordan was the key to all those championships, but right behind him is Krause. Of course MJ and his famous pettiness would never admit such a thing. No, he’d rather take every chance in The Last Dance to try and make Krause look bad.

We get it, you don’t like Reinsdorf. But to turn the blame on the booing back on Krause’s widow for allowing “herself to be used” is bordering on the pathological. It was crappy behavior by fans that are too stupid to understand Krause’s role in all those championships and too ill mannered to show decency. But, sure, go ahead and blame karma and that the Bulls aren’t good. Sheesh
You expect them to play a low scoring game against a team like the Warriors???
There’s a pretty large difference between low scoring and giving up 140 points. But it isn’t really the point total but the fact they had 1 steal and 3 forced turnovers. Maybe I’m wrong but that says to me a total lack of defense.
Krause has no dynasty without the players. And his disrespectful acts toward players are well known to those closest to the scene. And both he and The Owner are legendary in their total disrespect for Bulls and White Sox fans.

Again, I am not justifying the booing. I would have preferred stone-cold silence. THAT would have sent the right message.

But asking fans who have poured their hearts and wallets into this franchise for generations to forget how angry and frustrated they are would take an act of a saint. And not too many Bulls fans have been called ‘saints’ lately.

But I stand firm in that the Bulls never should have asked his widow to come. But maybe they knew what would happen and did that deliberately to make Bulls fans look bad so that They could look good. That's how they think.

This regime has not earned the trust of Bulls fans. Bulls fans follow this team not because of who is running them but in spite of who is running them.

And Jordan wanted no part of this charade. He stayed away and was the smartest man not in the room.

I feel sorry for his widow. She was an unwilling target in something she had no part in. But she allowed herself to be used and so what happened... happened.

Speaking again of Karma... there is a bad karma around this franchise. And they need to fix that as much as getting better players and a better owner.

None of this is just some Hot Take for the sake of a Hot Take. This is an accurate telling of the facts.
“She allowed herself to be used”? Ownership wants to make fans look bad?

This is terrible. I don’t know what you’re smoking but it’s not Sage.
There’s a pretty large difference between low scoring and giving up 140 points. But it isn’t really the point total but the fact they had 1 steal and 3 forced turnovers. Maybe I’m wrong but that says to me a total lack of defense.

It's tough to defend a team like the Warriors, especially with the style of offense they play.
“She allowed herself to be used”? Ownership wants to make fans look bad?

This is terrible. I don’t know what you’re smoking but it’s not Sage.

Be honest. What do you guys who don't like my take really think was going to happen when Krause's name was announced?

If you think she was going to be cheered... you either don't know Bulls fans or how deeply the feeling is about what Krause did to that team. Whether that is right of wrong there was no doubt about how the crowd was going to react.

As for Krause... I appreciate what he did for the Bulls in the positives he brought. And I deplore what he did to the greatest team in NBA history when his ego took control and he wanted to be seen as some kind of franchise master.

And again, it's OK if you don't like my take. But just know that - outside of respectful statements made during the ceremony -- players have much stronger opinions about Krause than I do.
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Ayo scores 21 points in 29 floor-minutes at San Antonio as Bulls beat Spurs.

He likes to stake out the corner on the weak side of the floor and wait for a pass coming his way. Defense often leaves a lot of slack... and he takes the pass and rains down a true Three.

His season points-per-game now up to 8.3.
I was hoping we would see the end of the “big 3” experiment so that the young guys would be granted a chance to show what they can do, but that’s starting to look less likely.
I was hoping we would see the end of the “big 3” experiment so that the young guys would be granted a chance to show what they can do, but that’s starting to look less likely.

There will probably still be a big 3 but it will just be Coby White taking the spot of whoever they decide to trade among those 3.
Level of play in NBA is so high right now, there are more qualified players than there are spots. Think expansion will be a good thing when it happens.
Expansion is tricky, I'd hate to water it down. This is the most talent the league has ever had. Not even close.
Expansion is tricky, I'd hate to water it down. This is the most talent the league has ever had. Not even close.
What cities would you expand too?

Las Vegas
Something international (Mexico City Paris London)

The talent is there.
Ayo as the Bulls leading scorer with 20 tonight in a win against Memphis.
He is such a complete player... he doesn't force shots, he sticks with his man, he assists others to score, he plays within the game-- he represents what is best about basketball.
I'm proud to say he's an Illini and that he is a credit to his school, family and sport. The game and the U of I need more Ayos!
What cities would you expand too?

Las Vegas
Something international (Mexico City Paris London)

The talent is there.
I'd say if they do it, do it in Vegas and Seattle. That would geographically balance the east and west if they moved Memphis and New Oreleans to the east.
Seattle always seemed to show support for the Sonics and Vegas is the hot thing now. Also, and selfishly I'm in Vegas atleast twice a year, I'd be down to kill a couple of hours at a game.

I just really worry about watering down the league when adding teams.
What cities would you expand to... The talent is there.

Other than the cities already named by other posters, here’s more NBA expansion cities of the future:

Austin (growing like crazy these days, MLS team big success)
Cincinnati (old NBA city, missing NBA and NHL)
Havana (yes, Havana – tourist Mecca and old gambling mecca ready for big growth)
Hawaii (Honolulu – had a pro ABL franchise around 1960)
Kansas City (missing both an NBA and NHL franchise)
Louisville (old successful ABA city, likes roundball)
Nashville (growing like crazy these days)
Omaha (corporate headquarters city – sports fanatics town)
St. Louis (old legacy NBA city – sports crazy town; MLS team big success)
Tampa/St Pete (NHL very successful)
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