Bob Huggins

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Bob Huggins is a jerk, he has always been a jerk. Coincidentally, he is also a talented basketball coach. He was punished for being an !!!. That is good. Not everyone over 30 is a racist or homophobe. To put things in perspective, the Nazi bastards killed millions of people. Being an insensitive asshat doesn't make you a Nazi. Let's not throw that term around whenever we disagree with a jerk. My father was a tech sergeant in demolitions in WWII. He trained countless men (mostly hispanic, native american, or black) to lay minefields and remove them among other things. He was busted twice for standing up for his men to racist POS. There were more like him than not. Don't talk !!!! about people you don't know..
Let’s be honest here. It’s not about 18 year olds crying over words. It’s about much older people finally being called out for the abhorrent words they’ve casually used since long before the storming of Normandy Beach. And they’re not taking it well.
No, my disdain comes from a bunch of self-anointed intellectuals in the media and politics trying to make everyone either a victim or a bigot. South Park had an entire episode devoted to this exact word F@%, that was heard and viewed by millions of people and the world did not come to a stretching halt... amazing.
To the people saying “people need thicker skin… it’s just words yada yada..” if someone called you or your family/community the word that Huggins used to your face, would you really just stand there and do nothing? I 100% doubt it.

Words have had meaning to humans ever since we developed language, saying otherwise is just ignorance. That’s what separates us from other animals.
TBH…..I personally have opinions on this topic which I choose to keep to myself.
I have actually rather enjoyed the opinions of all throughout the past number of pages.
Honestly…..way better than cottage cheese et al talk.
At least this has prompted me to think about the diversity on this board which is kinda cool.
Thanks to those who posted their views as I appreciated all the perspectives.

Now hold on. I know cottage cheese is divisive and evokes emotional reactions.....but there is no way this topic is better than cottage cheese!/s
No, my disdain comes from a bunch of self-anointed intellectuals in the media and politics trying to make everyone either a victim or a bigot. South Park had an entire episode devoted to this exact word F@%, that was heard and viewed by millions of people and the world did not come to a stretching halt... amazing.
It’s funny though how a ton of bigots these days are crying “victim!!”
No, my disdain comes from a bunch of self-anointed intellectuals in the media and politics trying to make everyone either a victim or a bigot. South Park had an entire episode devoted to this exact word F@%, that was heard and viewed by millions of people and the world did not come to a stretching halt... amazing.
The fact that the media you put on a pedestal is South Park says everything we need to know.
These words are violence, sir.
According to some in this thread, words are not violence.
Uno Reverse GIF by MOODMAN
Ahh yes because segregation, redlining, racial violence, systematic oppression, etc etc totally shouldn't be described as wildly racist. What is that, just mild racism then?
You missed the words “entire generation”…

If you are honestly saying the “entire generation” agreed with racism, I’m sure that millions of good people would find your words very offensive.

But maybe your just a troll.

By the way, thank you Dan for not deleting this thread…I’m sure you’ve been thinking about it, but I, for one, find it quite interesting.
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You missed the words “entire generation”…

If you are honestly saying the “entire generation” agreed with racism, I’m sure that millions of good people would find your words very offensive.

But maybe your just a troll.

By the way, thank you Dan for not deleting this thread…I’m sure you’ve been thinking about it, but I, for one, find it quite interesting.
He said "entire generation." I did not. Is putting words in people's mouths free speech?
To the people saying “people need thicker skin… it’s just words yada yada..” if someone called you or your family/community the word that Huggins used to your face, would you really just stand there and do nothing? I 100% doubt it.

Words have had meaning to humans ever since we developed language, saying otherwise is just ignorance. That’s what separates us from other animals.
There are no 100%'s or absolutes, but sayings like "Turn the other cheek" and "Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it" or "Two wrong's don't make a right" do have some wisdom behind them.
Words do have meaning, but I found the "euphemism treadmill" interesting, where slurs are replaced over time by well-intended euphemisms, and those euphemism's become the slurs of tomorrow. It's made me look at some of the modern vocabulary in a different light.
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