College Hoops Coaching Carousel

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I was looking for the album cover to the Disciplined Breakdown cd but it;s to hard to read , but that title aptly describes our 2022-23 season ...........JMHO........

Oh wait , i found a good one........................

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Completely forgot about this album - love it! Was going through some stuff at the time and, while it was never that popular, definitely resonated with me at the time...Ed Roland helped me sort some things out!

Off to load this one onto the ipod and find that dolly cover of shine on youtube.
Given his current salary I doubt if he is worrying a whole lot about losing his negotiating power. :)

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Don't post very often, but this list made me think a little bit and also do some investigation. What coaches that are making less money and would REALISTICALLY come here would we trade Brad for? I've always liked Brad, especially when he was at SFA, but I've wavered a little recently... Just looking for thoughful discussion, not to tear this place down even more. Haha
I guess the bright side of all this happening in today's era is that NIL fixes all. If thus was happening before recruits might be more hesitant to put stick in a program with rumors of unhappy coach. Now can just through the cash and opportunity out and land someone.

BU has done a wonderful job and for all the yelling and antics, these recruits know exactly what they signed up for. They have heard from current and former players so it's not a shock what he does. Maybe they didn't think it was as bad or they thought they could handle it. I don't put stock into BU being a Drill Sergeant style coach has much to do with it.

Jw is doing his job as one of the best ADs I've seen here. Always best to prepare for the worst hope for the best. I mean he landed BB for football. SG for women's and she has done amazing in her first year. Hopefully she keeps its going forward. Rather hear rumors JW is out there prepared to move forward if BU left than sitting back and have to scramble if he did. Imagine having to land a guy like Groce again.

With all that being said BU comes back I'll cheer on this team as I would with a new coach. All I know is this needs to be done either way soon so everyone can move on one way or another.
To me it seems like if a team was going to fire their coach it would have happened by now. If that is true then UK is not getting rid of Cal and his buyout is $0. I also think Self is not going anywhere. If they stay there isn’t going to be a lot of movement. As of right now UT Texas Tech PSU and Cal have not named their coach for next year

Does anyone think Roger Powell will get an opportunity at a smaller school like Valpo or is he going to stay with Gonzaga for a few more years
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I have given careful consideration to the often repeated fact that BU did a lot more sitting on the bench than usual AFTER the blow up with Mr, Epps that was shown on that fateful national broadcast .......And it seems to me that JW possibly did bring up said sequence with BU......Maybe JW mentioned that he was getting heat from the boosters or the NIL people or whoever and it looked like BU lost a lot of bluster to his coaching style.......

BU might be the one butt-hurt , because some reins had been pulled in on him.......Seems like he had carte-blanche after that first extension that , IMO , he earned completely........

Maybe it was JW who was butt-hurt from the signs of BU and agent still sniffing around other head coaching positions .......JW is the best AD in my lifetime that I can remember here at UI........He had a full plate authority and expectations and he knows he can't turn his back on the boosters , donors and NIL collectives as that is the $$$$$$$ life blood of future improvements he wants to make.......

I don't think I have said anything disrespectful aboot BU and if I did , then I apologize to BU and to this board.......

But here's the dilemma as I see it..........Has JW lost confidence in BU and his style of coaching ......has JW decided that he has seen BU's ceiling ??.....Was the terrible scene with BU and JE the final straw ?? the annual rumor's of BU and agent sniffing around the second emotion to the last straw theory ??

The other side of the dilemma that I don't understand is why is BU sniffing around .....Yeah , I know about all the facts and protecting your income stream , but I thought BU was set up for life at his " Dream Job " with a " Dream AD "
with " Dream facilities " or was I dreaming all that.......

Bottom line is something is not right with the Illini MBB program.......I hope a meeting of the minds happens instead of burt-hurt decisions being made .....I just want some smooth , calm , long play in the dance and that elusive natty proudly displayed there at the UI.......

Is that asking too much ?????I don't think it is ..........I really really don't........BTW , I want the Chief back while I'm asking for stuff...

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BU is entering year 7 at illinois and is yet to go on a deep NCAA run. He may be feeling like the honeymoon period is coming to an end.
Having said that, BU isnt stupid and he isnt giving up this job for anything less. This isn't a Steve Alford going to New Mexico because he is about to get fired from Iowa situation. BU likely told his agent to be on the lookout for jobs that might open up that would be comparable to what he has or even an upgrade.
And that he might be interested if the situation is right.
it doesn't matter at this point
I agree with you. Unless something happened that would have created such a division between employer and employee that the relationship is unrepairable and I have no clue what that could possibly be.... he'll be back. If it's an employee sniffing around, seeing what other opportunities could be out there....the employer needs to get over it. I forget which coach made this comment, but it's true. Coaches are hired to be fired or pressured out. That's how job openings happen and it's why there's movement,. Chris Beard got canned. It's why we're at this point.
Let’s also consider that BU may be wondering if JW is a candidate for the B1G Commissioner job. Just like an athletic director generally keeps a short list of coaches names, a coach would be wise to keep his employment options fluid should the A.D. suddenly depart.
BU is entering year 7 at illinois and is yet to go on a deep NCAA run. He may be feeling like the honeymoon period is coming to an end.
Having said that, BU isnt stupid and he isnt giving up this job for anything less. This isn't a Steve Alford going to New Mexico because he is about to get fired from Iowa situation. BU likely told his agent to be on the lookout for jobs that might open up that would be comparable to what he has or even an upgrade.
And that he might be interested if the situation is right.
This whole deep tournament run rationale for running a coach out of town is ridiculous. You don't judge a guy's total value by 2 games unless you're Kentucky, Duke, Kansas....the blue bloods. If we were consistently in the bottom half of the conference, not making the tournament, recruiting like garbage, etc....fine. Since when has our program been a Sweet 16 or bust program. Over the last 30 years, how many times have we been to the Sweet 16? You're going to hold a guy who's turned the entire program around from basement to Big Ten contender year in and year out to those standards?? Stop.
Folks, as of today BU is still our Head Coach. Can we please be respectful of him until he gives us a reason not to. Most of what’s been said or hear is hearsay. He hasn’t done anything, but protect himself and his family.

Your words are true... but you might be selling Coach a bit short here too. Anyone who has coached as long as he has – and at the top level of College basketball – knows and understands the mentality and emotionalism of fans.

While no human being likes to be criticized... we all are. Coaches choose to live a high-profile life and they know the good and the not-so-good that goes along with that. And to ease the pain... they are well-compensated for doing so. Coaches know that criticism is going to come almost regardless of what they do. And when the team hasn’t succeeded to expectations, the coach knows the noise level is going to be turned up.

(Many of us/All of us have been criticized in our lives and have NOT been adequately paid in our lines of work for the amount of criticism we have ‘enjoyed’.)

Illini fans have a right to own our emotions as well. Everything from pride in the program to frustration and impatience.

The point is that nothing in these pages should or would come as a surprise to Coach Underwood. He is perhaps more dialed-in to the wants and needs and emotions of Illini Nation as any man except for the remarkable Illini AD.

And if Coach Underwood were in the role of being just an Illini fan right now... he might even agree with much of what has been said in these pages.

We all want the best for Coach Underwood and we all want the best for the Illini. We just might have different ways of expressing that.
Never have liked Underwood’s offensive system. Never see any, I mean any easy baskets. A lot of movement without a lot of discipline in the final product. I swear we were behind in almost every big game we were in as well.
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I have given careful consideration to the often repeated fact that BU did a lot more sitting on the bench than usual AFTER the blow up with Mr, Epps that was shown on that fateful national broadcast .......And it seems to me that JW possibly did bring up said sequence with BU......Maybe JW mentioned that he was getting heat from the boosters or the NIL people or whoever and it looked like BU lost a lot of bluster to his coaching style.......

BU might be the one butt-hurt , because some reins had been pulled in on him.......Seems like he had carte-blanche after that first extension that , IMO , he earned completely........

Maybe it was JW who was butt-hurt from the signs of BU and agent still sniffing around other head coaching positions .......JW is the best AD in my lifetime that I can remember here at UI........He had a full plate authority and expectations and he knows he can't turn his back on the boosters , donors and NIL collectives as that is the $$$$$$$ life blood of future improvements he wants to make.......

I don't think I have said anything disrespectful aboot BU and if I did , then I apologize to BU and to this board.......

But here's the dilemma as I see it..........Has JW lost confidence in BU and his style of coaching ......has JW decided that he has seen BU's ceiling ??.....Was the terrible scene with BU and JE the final straw ?? the annual rumor's of BU and agent sniffing around the second emotion to the last straw theory ??

The other side of the dilemma that I don't understand is why is BU sniffing around .....Yeah , I know about all the facts and protecting your income stream , but I thought BU was set up for life at his " Dream Job " with a " Dream AD "
with " Dream facilities " or was I dreaming all that.......

Bottom line is something is not right with the Illini MBB program.......I hope a meeting of the minds happens instead of burt-hurt decisions being made .....I just want some smooth , calm , long play in the dance and that elusive natty proudly displayed there at the UI.......

Is that asking too much ?????I don't think it is ..........I really really don't........BTW , I want the Chief back while I'm asking for stuff...

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"...why is BU sniffing around"?

My theory, and it's just that - theory, pure conjecture- is that BU doesn't know what he doesn't know.

He's 59 (turns 60 in December). Began coaching (grad assistant) in the 1988-1989 school year, a period in which he turned 25.

BU spent a lot of years climbing the coaching ladder, a lot of years. He spent about 19 years as either an assistant or associate head coach. Got his first head coaching job at a 4-yr program when he was nearly 50.

His experience prior to Illinois dealing with the less public but crucial part of head coaching - administration personnel, donors, donors, donors -is limited to three seasons at Stephen F Austin and one at Oklahoma State.

UI is his first job at a major DI program. He's been here 6 years now. The new shine of getting the job is long gone. There's plenty of grind and that's before adding in the transfer portal and NIL.

BU doesn't have much of a frame of reference for comparing the UI job to others. He doesn't know what he doesn't know
my guess will be that IF he leaves , its for reasons more important than money. Im not suggesting money isnt ultimately important, it always is, but there are reasons at play here beyond the paycheck. Just my guess.
Don’t you think his current salary is reflective of us needing to pony up on recent years to keep him? He’s done a great job, but not great enough to be number 7 in the nation.
Meaning Texas is keeping their coach, thus the coaching merry-go-round isn't happening.
pretty much
regardless of the outcome of their game tomorrow, I just cant see Texas not giving Terry another year or two as HC.
Of course it requires them to give him a 4 year contract , but thats the way it goes .
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