Illinois 48, Indiana 45 OT Postgame

I said it last week and I'll say it again, I like Luke and he has a bright future here but he just takes way too long to make decisions and takes way too many sacks. Even if the o-line play has gotten slightly better, the biggest difference is Paddock's ability to 1) read defenses; and 2) get the ball out /make decisions quickly.
I'm sure they're telling guys to dial it back. They obviously can't handle that. At this point you have to go cold turkey. No talking to opposing team after the play. Consequences are laps escalating to lost playing time
Taz has never shut up since he played down 1. I think it’s encouraged because it doesn’t seem to be dialing back at all considering all the penalties we have had with it for the last 2-3 yrs. I thought Bielema was into discipline and his players being able to control themselves? Penalties were a big no no??
Bielema the last 2 weeks
John Paddock
steve buscemi flirting GIF
If it were up to me I would start Paddock next week with the following reasoning. Iowa’s defense is good. Really good. If Altmeyer starts they will shut him down and he’ll probably look not too good. Then everyone will be saying “what a stupid move. paddock was doing great and you bench him.” Then the question becomes, who do you start against NW? Now you’ve really got a qb controversy. What a terrible thing for Luke to go through. He is our guy for the next two years most likely, so we don’t want that bad fan blood hanging over his head.

So, start Paddock. Most likely Iowa shuts him down (hope I’m wrong) and we lose, 14-6, or something like that. Then you can start LA against NW without all the second guessing, what-ifs’ from the fan base. If Paddock really struggles in the first half, you can put Luke in for the 2nd half. If Paddock shines again and we win, it’s a great call by coach B and he tells Luke, we have to stick with the hot hand, and Paddock finishes out the season as starter. The Vikings draft him in the first round and he leads them to the Super Bowl in his rookie year. (Why not?)

Case closed. Explain this logic to Luke, he’ll get it. Everyone is happy.

My wife is a sweet Minnesotan and an avid Vikings fan (she stays away from the gophers hole btw). I showed her "The Vikings draft him in the first round and he leads them to the Super Bowl in his rookie year. (Why not?)" and she really loves the idea!
I read this entire thread and agree with all of the love for Paddock and the rest of our offense. But can we discuss how awful our defense was today? I do believe the refs were way too generous to Indiana regarding their pass interference calls and one roughing the passer call. But overall we couldn't stop Indiana to save our life. Giving up 45 to IU is just pathetic! What can be done this week to fix this?
Luke is our guy.....but John MF Paddock is The Man.
I said this earlier this year that our offense seemed to be moving in slow motion compared to other offenses in the Big Ten. With Paddock at qb that is no longer the case. While Luke has been capable this year. Paddock should have gotten the starting nod. Even if Luke has more athletic ability and potential he needs to realize it is also about pocket presence and being able to get through the progressions quickly. This is an apparent misread of our personal on the coaching staff's part. Hats off to John Paddock for being ready for the moment even though it should have been much earlier.
Paddock is just a straight dog. Got the ball out quickly and with precision. Pretty amazing! Having said that, gotta give big-time credit to the O-Line and also talk about how horrendous IU's defense is. Not saying Altmyer would've put up 5hundo but would've been interesting to see how he would have performed in this game.
The O-line doesn't have to block as well for Paddock as he gets the ball out a lot quicker. As talented as Luke is he holds on to the ball too long.
Amazing. An average QB from Ball St has one of the most incredible comebacks cold off the bench and then has one of the best games for a QB in decades. Apparently he's this hidden gem of an elite QB that no one ever knew about!....

Or it could be that these two games are outliers and a product of circumstances, coincidences, quality of opponents, experience, improved line play and receiver play, playing from behind, and adjustments in play calling.

People need to settle down and get off their emotional high. I'd start him next game, but as soon as he struggles, I'd pull him for Luke.
Taz has never shut up since he played down 1. I think it’s encouraged because it doesn’t seem to be dialing back at all considering all the penalties we have had with it for the last 2-3 yrs. I thought Bielema was into discipline and his players being able to control themselves? Penalties were a big no no??
I’ve read that coach B likes his db’s to have some cockiness and an attitude. It exudes confidence. I’m paraphrasing here.

As I fan I don’t like it. It looks ridiculous, especially when you’re getting burned continuously. Not to mention the back breaking penalties that often result. I think Xaviar was flirting with an unsportsmanlike penalty towards the end of regulation yesterday. Just go huddle up for the play.
I believe one of the reasons Altmeyer has been starting is that he is a freshman and brings much more longevity/stability going forward also the recruiting angle and last of all things if they were equal at the beginning of the season I know that’s the way I would have gone.
One thing I don’t understand is why we can’t get stops when we need it? With our D line we should be able to do that. Our linebackers seem to be improving I thought our secondary was until today. Is it personnel or scheme? Or officiating today?


Paducah, Ky
BB's job is to win FB games and RIGHT NOW John Paddock gives him the best shot at winning said games......Give Luke another week of practice and another game to regain all his health and go with the hot hand........With Paddock being a senior let him ride this wave of success and monitor his performance in the next game with Luke ready as a replacement if Paddock struggles.....

How can BB face the scrutiny of pulling a QB1 with the results of the last 2 games for a guy coming off of concussion protocol....If Luke is the team player that I believe he is he should go to BB and state that he is in favor of JP starting , as Luke has other seasons to play in his career...................JMHO...................
Great grandfather played for Illinois.
Grandfather played for Illinois.
Uncle played for Illinois.
Ya know, something ain't right there, and maybe we can fix it. Is pops still alive, and does he have any eligibility left? 🙂


Montgomery County, Maryland
Great grandfather played for Illinois.
Grandfather played for Illinois.
Uncle played for Illinois.
Ya know, something ain't right there, and maybe we can fix it. Is pops still alive, and does he have any eligibility left? 🙂
I'm guessing John Wright is still alive and well, and that John Paddock is the son of his sister who married a Paddock.
John Paddock could win the Triple Crown.

I'm sorry, that is so bad I just had to.
Amazing. An average QB from Ball St has one of the most incredible comebacks cold off the bench and then has one of the best games for a QB in decades. Apparently he's this hidden gem of an elite QB that no one ever knew about!....

Or it could be that these two games are outliers and a product of circumstances, coincidences, quality of opponents, experience, improved line play and receiver play, playing from behind, and adjustments in play calling.

People need to settle down and get off their emotional high. I'd start him next game, but as soon as he struggles, I'd pull him for Luke.
Offensive line was great. Not sure if improvement or lousy IU defensive line. Give a talented QB time and he will pick a defense apart. In any case line should be given plaudits.