Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (May-June 2017)

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Not really anything different than anyone else does. You only have so much time to recruit so we will see who BU and staff actually want as the summer goes on. They will most definitely be making some kids feel special, that I can guarantee.

Especially with all these out of state recruits. Lots of these guys will have no interest in Illinois and the staff will figure that out. But you never know when you might find that random Trent Frazier.

I really don't understand that sentiment. Kids want to leave home for school. We've seen that for chicago kids going to different states to get away. Its backwards when we say "well makes sense, kids want to get away" when its our state but then when we offer others out of state "Well why would we do that? No one would ever come to Illinois."
I really don't understand that sentiment. Kids want to leave home for school. We've seen that for chicago kids going to different states to get away. Its backwards when we say "well makes sense, kids want to get away" when its our state but then when we offer others out of state "Well why would we do that? No one would ever come to Illinois."

Sure, but they usually have schools they are attracted to. Some will be interested and some won't. We'll see who is interested when BU and staff start watching games again and recruits are listing us in interviews.
I like it. They are all high quality. You don't beg anyone to come. This puts pressure on kids to take it or leave per-se.... "you are good enough to play for Illinois, but you're not special. Either take it or risk not having a spot". Smart move by the new regime

Guarantee this is not what they are doing. The best kids out there want to weigh all of their options and make official visits before deciding where they're going to continue the next phase of their playing careers and lives. You start pressuring them and telling them they have to decide early and you're going to lose a lot of them.
I don't disagree with you because I do believe that most kids do want to get away from home. The only part of this equation that is not a great selling point for us to an 18 year old kid is that we aren't as sexy as UCLA, Arizona, UNC, Florida and so forth when it comes to weather, big city and that culture if you want it in LA and some of those other intangibles. We offer a world class education if that is important to the kid, proximity to several cities (Chicago, STL and INDY) and BU is going to build a winning program that is a fun system to play in. We will get there but we will always lack that "sexy destination" piece that the other schools can sell.

Destination? We are a big ten school with over 50,000 students. I understand what you are saying but many many many schools that are less attractive than us in every way have been successful. Believe it or not... but UIUC is an actual college town.
Guarantee this is not what they are doing. The best kids out there want to weigh all of their options and make official visits before deciding where they're going to continue the next phase of their playing careers and lives. You start pressuring them and telling them they have to decide early and you're going to lose a lot of them.

it's exactly what they are doing. You just proved my point. You're not pressuring anyone "per-se". You're basically telling them that if they are interested, be careful because there are 5 other kids that could take that one spot you may want. It's refreshing to see us recruit like we always should have and not pander to one or two kids the entire time and get left in the dust. Big programs don't beg the kids to come. They offer the ones that have the skills they need and let the rest sort itself out.
IlliniMed said:
It's refreshing to see us recruit like we always should have and not pander to one or two kids the entire time and get left in the dust. .

According to 24/7 recruiting

2015 - 28 offers

2016 - 23 offers

2017 - 36 offers

Regardless, like I said it's not first come first serve. He's not going to take his 10th ranked guard if he thinks he has a shot at his number 1 choice, etc.
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Just watched videos on all of our recent 2018 offers and the players who stick out to me are DJ Stewart and Keldon Johnson.

DJ has unreal athleticism and range on his shot, can't believe he is unranked by every recruiting service. His only other offers are Alabama and Ole Miss :confused:

Keldon looks like an all around strong player. Funky high release on his shot, but it works for him. Athletic, good finisher and good passer. 247 has him as a 5 star player.
Seems unlikely we get him, but you never know. One thing I didn't like about the old staff was how few elite players we offered. Not saying they should have devoted all of their time to players who were unlikely to come, but it doesn't hurt to offer.
Corey hasn't tweeted anything about it, which wouldn't be that weird, but he has tweeted at least 20 times since the first mention of the report on twitter :confused:

Corey Evans also said about 2 weeks ago that Illinois was out on Mark Smith.

He also reported that Frazier was sticking with Illinois. A month after we knew that.

But he is probably right here, it sounds like it will be Miznoz
Just watched videos on all of our recent 2018 offers and the players who stick out to me are DJ Stewart and Keldon Johnson.

DJ has unreal athleticism and range on his shot, can't believe he is unranked by every recruiting service. His only other offers are Alabama and Ole Miss :confused:

Keldon looks like an all around strong player. Funky high release on his shot, but it works for him. Athletic, good finisher and good passer. 247 has him as a 5 star player.
Seems unlikely we get him, but you never know. One thing I didn't like about the old staff was how few elite players we offered. Not saying they should have devoted all of their time to players who were unlikely to come, but it doesn't hurt to offer.

Yeah the tape I've seen on DJ Stewart is fantastic. Surely he will be evaluated and ranked appropriately after this aau season.
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I could be mistaken but I took it as when he beat Huggy in the tournament while still at Steven A. Austin.

More importantly, how do we offer a kid named Kofi Cockburn and there's no reaction from this board of all places. Are we scared that Cockburn may deliver a proverbial nut punch? :confused::confused:

Recruiting is fluid?
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