Illinois Hoops Recruiting Thread (October 2017)

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Oh well, my burrito was delish!

Have one!

Does anyone else get the feeling we might lose another committed player over this? I just feel horrible about this, and I don't mean because tht went to ISU
not at all... there was nothing keeping THT from committing months ago if he really wanted to be an Illini.

Exactly. Ayo committed first. And I'm very happy that he'll be joining us.
Underwood putting a lot of faith in the Irvins. Hopefully they provide. One player does not make a team.
The real suck comes when Ayo is one and done and THT is a 4 year beast.

I don't think Ayo de commits, and if he brings Miller, Okoro and others, we'll forget all about THT. I hope he dominates Iowa!
For all those pissed at BU, how are you reacting if he takes the THT offer and Ayo walks. He was put in a bad spot, and chose the player/path that he thinks is best for Illinois long term. Several adults screwed things up for kids. That's sucks. No one is clean in this. I hope it works out for THT, as well as BU and Illinois.
Nobody is selling their sole. This is a boss making a decision that he thinks is best for his business. I am sure many on here that are managers, execs or owners have made decisions that they believe were the best for their business that may have been negative for another individual. A decision is made, you move on and hope it was the correct decision.

Business decisions can be made with integrity, and business decisions can be made with a lack of integrity . . . I'm not suggesting that this decision was made absent integrity, as I don't have all of the facts, I just want to reinforce putting the "business" moniker or framework around a decision doesn't automatically mean that things migrate to a pure Machiavellian framework.

Also, "correct" is a subjective condition.
I'll say this.

I never want to hear us complain about handlers or adults funneling kids to a certain school or shady business ever again. Because what we did was allow a Chicago power broker to swoop in at the last second and deny a kid his desire to play for Illinois and carry on the Simeon tradition. And why? Because of some hurt feelings over his AAU decision.

THT is a great kid and a great talent. But we decided that investing in the friggin' Irvins is our way forward. Gotta play the game apparently. Well, if that's the case, a lot of people in this thread have absolutely no room to complain when that "game" bites us in the *** because some AAU guy or influencer funnels some kid to one of our competitors. Inevitably, it'll happen. And when it does, we have no leg to stand on.

If it's true that THT had the rug pulled out from under him today -- expect the details to be out sooner rather than later -- then we deservedly are going to look terrible in the press. We can trumpet the fact that we have Ayo -- and I'm glad we do. But man, we look like the Irvin lapdog.
Welp, one thing's clear, we know who's calling the shots with the city kids. I suppose that the vast majority of us would make the same call, when given an ultimatum. That said, this entire thing reeks. And it could have been avoided, had the shot caller been clear with BU from the get go. Really feel for THT and hope he has a standout career at ISU. Perhaps needless to say, would've loved him on our team. Totally sucks!
Relax my friends. This is the day that the Illini have broken into top tier program rank again. We have made our bed with the Mac Irvin Fire and we will sleep in it with them. On the same note let me provide a preemptive "I told you so" because we will be seeing both Francis Okoro and Adam Miller in O & B. Today's move of allegiance was a fantastic power move by Nick Irvin, however it was also a fantastically risky move by Underwood. Now it is incumbent upon the Fire to deliver the goods so to speak. Nick will. We will Win.
If the base line story is correct, Ashamed that that fan base has cared. Will feel like a Louisville[Chicago style]-light. Everything Illinois claims to represent to these kids, but a fraud. See how this affects recruiting, but great opposition story line that you can't trust anything Illinois says. (and frankly, that's accurate). What happens when MIF doesn't approve of the next? Shameful. No Cohunes, here. I still fear that a guy and his crew that says he "just wants to win" and works against that very fact, is more that willing to decommit on the next whim. What will be the response then?
The real suck comes when Ayo is one and done and THT is a 4 year beast.

I don't think Ayo de commits, and if he brings Miller, Okoro and others, we'll forget all about THT. I hope he dominates Iowa!

If Ayo is a one and done that would be spectacular for our program. He’ll be here a couple years anyways but a one and done would do us wonders.
Relax my friends. This is the day that the Illini have broken into top tier program rank again. We have made our bed with the Mac Irvin Fire and we will sleep in it with them. On the same note let me provide a preemptive "I told you so" because we will be seeing both Francis Okoro and Adam Miller in O & B. Today's move of allegiance was a fantastic power move by Nick Irvin, however it was also a fantastically risky move by Underwood. Now it is incumbent upon the Fire to deliver the goods so to speak. Nick will. We will Win.

I'll believe it when I see it.

The Irvins are in it for the Irvins. I don't want to bash them -- they're not unique in that sense.

But you know what's good for the Irvin brand? MIF guys winning a national title at KU or UK or Duke. MIF guys playing for the elite programs. And when they do have some elite kids that are attracting all the blue bloods, don't think for a second that the Irvins are going to direct those kids to us instead.

Just watch. A kid like Miller will commit to KU or UK, and the Irvin response will be "well, we can't force the kid to go to Illinois". And that's their absolution card.

I really think we're putting too much faith in the Irvins to do what's best for Illinois.
Once we start winning we probably won’t have to bow down to the likes of them for recruits anymore. Not sure this is a check we should have collected...

Even the Kentuckys and Dukes of the world "bow down" to the politics of AAU basketball.
I'll believe it when I see it.

The Irvins are in it for the Irvins. I don't want to bash them -- they're not unique in that sense.

But you know what's good for the Irvin brand? MIF guys winning a national title at KU or UK or Duke. MIF guys playing for the elite programs. And when they do have some elite kids that are attracting all the blue bloods, don't think for a second that the Irvins are going to direct those kids to us instead.

Just watch. A kid like Miller will commit to KU or UK, and the Irvin response will be "well, we can't force the kid to go to Illinois". And that's their absolution card.

I really think we're putting too much faith in the Irvins to do what's best for Illinois.

With all due respect, you are correct but still missing the biggest picture. If you want to go to Illinois and The Fire want you to play for their team (high school and AAU), you will or you will run the risk of not getting to go to Illinois. That is the message Nick Irvin just sent.

For that kind of power, he is absolutely going to deliver Adam Miller and Okoro. Again I will say I told you so.
With all due respect, you are correct but still missing the biggest picture. If you want to go to Illinois and The Fire want you to play for their team (high school and AAU), you will or you will run the risk of not getting to go to Illinois. That is the message Nick Irvin just sent.

For that kind of power, he is absolutely going to deliver Adam Miller and Okoro. Again I will say I told you so.
Ok. You can if and when Okoro or Miller get delivered. I do hope we get to hear it.
I'll believe it when I see it.

The Irvins are in it for the Irvins. I don't want to bash them -- they're not unique in that sense.

But you know what's good for the Irvin brand? MIF guys winning a national title at KU or UK or Duke. MIF guys playing for the elite programs. And when they do have some elite kids that are attracting all the blue bloods, don't think for a second that the Irvins are going to direct those kids to us instead.

Just watch. A kid like Miller will commit to KU or UK, and the Irvin response will be "well, we can't force the kid to go to Illinois". And that's their absolution card.

I really think we're putting too much faith in the Irvins to do what's best for Illinois.

I get what you are saying, but wouldn't it be a bigger claim to say "our MIF kids rebuilt our state school into a powerhouse that won the national title?"
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