Kansas 34, Illinois 23 Postgame

What I noticed in the presser:
BB had his head DOWN most of the time. He usually has his head up looking out to the press... NOT THIS TIME ! ! !

We are NOT tough, strong and reliable... we are NOT fast, tough and dependable... That's why football head coaches get LONG term contracts to turn programs around. It usually takes a long time to develop young men into good players... Many will say 'but the Portal'.. Yes, and what you get is NOT always a great FIT for your system, so you end up going BACK to it over and over. NOT a good long term solution. For 2-3 decades we have been bad to poor... Yes, we caught lightning in a bottle 2 or 3 times... But that's it... last year we caught some lightning, and now it's back out of the bottle... We have a good CEO at the helm IMHO... We just need more time. We need better coaching, we need better teaching, and we need more talented young men to play IF we want to be respectable on a regular basis... JMHO... Oh yeah, My first game: JC Caroline vs scUM 1953....
Regarding the head down comment, he's probably pi**ed and was trying to control his emotions to not blow up.
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Losing the Browns, Spoon, Quan, and a couple of other major assets from last year and somehow being as good or better was just not realistic. I stated in my season prediction that I wanted 6-6. Anything better would be great but just getting to 6-6 and a second straight bowl game of any kind would be a major step forward for this program. So I'd love a major upset of PSU, but beat FAU and go 4-4 against the rest of the B1G schedule and we will be in rarified air for Illini FB.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Didn't you know that the IL approved narrative is that KU is actually a powerhouse and we won't play any QBs that good the rest of the year?

And we did hold offensive juggernaut Toledo to 43 less points than they scored against another powerhouse known as Texas Southern. I just can't believe we had to play the top two Heisman candidates back to back.
Maybe Tagovailoa, but that would be it.
I’d give the nod to Daniels.

Tagovaila had a higher completion percentage last year (67% vs 66%).

But Daniels had a higher player rating according to ESPN (162 vs 142), a better touchdown to interception ratio (18/4 vs 18/8), more touchdowns per game (2.5/game vs 1.5/game), more passing yards per game (285/game vs 250/game), more rushing yards per game (59/game vs 5/game), and more rushing touchdowns per game (1/game vs 0.33/game).

That’s the best quarterback we’ll play all season.
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Preseason all Big XII (beating Caleb Williams will be tough)

May not be 1st team All American, but assuming he stays healthy, he’ll def be an All American.
May not be 1st team All American, but assuming he stays healthy, he’ll def be an All American.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA!

Do NOT interject facts OR logic into a Loyalty discussion. 15 yard penalty for UnLoyaltylike Conduct.

So instead of posting this in Penn St. Thread.
2nd quarter, Mr. LOVE is running 5 yards per. carry. 3rd and 2, Lunney calls a High School play, 8th grade youth football play. Griffin Moore goes in motion and takes a direct snap, while Luke and everyone playing dumb! Wow, come on line up and go for 2 yards down their throat!
Punt and defense back on field. Horrible call and executed a Absolutely silly play. You don't get paid 750k for that play call coach!!!
So Kansas is up 14-0 2nd qtr 8 minutes to go. 4 man rush, Newton almost nails Daniels in end zone for safety. 4 man rush on their/ Kansas 4 YARD LINE. Daniel's goes for 20 yards, poor Newton! Something is going on with Defensive scheme and play calling. When you have them pinned on their 4 yard line You Put Pressure on them! Right? you Do not rush 4 and a play prevent Defense.
I think it's confusing Seth Coleman and Gabe Jacas! They are to talented to be playing this way in first 2 games. Kudos to Kansas fans for filling that stadium and adding energy and life.
I put my optimist hat on yesterday afternoon (note: Optimist hat pairs nicely with 2 Tanqueray and tonics). We came out flat, underprepared and mistake prone and dug a 21-0 hole. Then "won" the rest of the game 23-13. They can clean up the mistakes and penalties and have a pretty good season. Saturday would be a good time to start.
So Kansas is up 14-0 2nd qtr 8 minutes to go. 4 man rush, Newton almost nails Daniels in end zone for safety. 4 man rush on their/ Kansas 4 YARD LINE. Daniel's goes for 20 yards, poor Newton! Something is going on with Defensive scheme and play calling. When you have them pinned on their 4 yard line You Put Pressure on them! Right? you Do not rush 4 and a play prevent Defense.
I think it's confusing Seth Coleman and Gabe Jacas! They are to talented to be playing this way in first 2 games. Kudos to Kansas fans for filling that stadium and adding energy and life.
This was play of the game IMO. We get a big stop there or maybe a turnover or something and it changes everything.

For now I’m convincing myself that KUs QB was just so good we couldn’t stop him. Time will tell.
This was play of the game IMO. We get a big stop there or maybe a turnover or something and it changes everything.

For now I’m convincing myself that KUs QB was just so good we couldn’t stop him. Time will tell.
He is a very good Qb and experienced! Yes, this was a massive play in game, and we had 4 men rushing and in prevent. With corners and the lb's totalling 7/
10 yards from line of scrimmage. Unacceptable, football 101.. As a very successful huge high school coach we had sheets. Certain spots on field, down and distance, and a call from that spot based on down and distance. I quite frankly do not understand what is being called with our defense in 1st 2 weeks. I caught up on game thread and the 1100 comments made it sound like we belong in Mountain West, 😆 🤣
I don't think so, let the coaches do what their paid to do and if not Coach B will make some fires. And he should.
One more thing, Jim Leonard, who cares. He is not our D coordinator nor Head coach. We roll and live with our staff and our players!
There’s no way that one of the younger guys could do worse than Crisler. Move him back to guard where he can be more successful.

This is a statistical comment, with plenty of caveats about how this coaching staff is known for developing offensive line talent.

I've seen a handful of posts about the answer being "just move Crisler back inside", so this isn't meant as picking at a specific one but just quoting the most recent: why do we think moving Crisler back inside is going to be the answer? His pass blocking grade is so low that I struggle to understand how moving him back inside is a good strategy for Illinois. He could quadruple his blocking grade based on his past experience, easier help, etc. and it would still be atrocious. Plus, whoever gets moved to RT is going to need help because of their inexperience. I'm a believer that the loss of reps from the offseason + recent injuries have really sapped his effectiveness. I would rather have a offensive line group of Pearl - Adams - Kreutz - Slaughter - Henderson or Whitenack.
This is a statistical comment, with plenty of caveats about how this coaching staff is known for developing offensive line talent.

I've seen a handful of posts about the answer being "just move Crisler back inside", so this isn't meant as picking at a specific one but just quoting the most recent: why do we think moving Crisler back inside is going to be the answer? His pass blocking grade is so low that I struggle to understand how moving him back inside is a good strategy for Illinois. He could quadruple his blocking grade based on his past experience, easier help, etc. and it would still be atrocious. Plus, whoever gets moved to RT is going to need help because of their inexperience. I'm a believer that the loss of reps from the offseason + recent injuries have really sapped his effectiveness. I would rather have a offensive line group of Pearl - Adams - Kreutz - Slaughter - Henderson or Whitenack.
I suggested they try this because he played pretty well at guard last year. He was honorable mention B1G. Obviously if he's just not right and ends up playing worse than Gesky, then he would need to sit.