New Illinois Football Uniforms

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Ty Myers pick 6 to seal the win at OSU in 2001 (I might be biased since I was sitting in the endzone that he ran into)

Kurt Kittner catching the TD pass in the bowl (1999), then chucking the ball into the upper deck. Game wasn't that memorable since we blew them out in a minor bowl game, but that play had me and my roommates laughing so hard.
The Jeff Arneson 99 yard fumble return for a TD in 1992 is a memorable play from a nice win over tOSU as well.
tobias funke ad GIF

Blue pants forever.
I must have a really unpopular opinion on our new uniforms, because my first thought at the game yesterday was that the Adidas FAU version of our uniforms was better executed. The shoulder stripes don’t go as far down, and as a result it’s less cluttered.

Then I saw fans in my section wearing last year’s jersey sitting right next to someone with the new one … and it made me realize I greatly prefer the unique simplicity of the older one compared to the busy look of our FAU/LSU knockoffs.
Now that we know the navy pants are a thing (they were not in any photos), I wonder how many uniform combos we will check off our uniform bingo card this year! :ROFLMAO: So far we have...




There is no indication we have anything but an orange helmet and we heard the orange jerseys are on delay due to supply chain issues. Maybe we will get the orange ones later this year, but I will assume no. That leaves the following three combos to potentially see.

O/W/O ... Almost certainly will see this on the road, and I am excited for this look.

O/W/B ... Pictured below is during the comeback at the Big House, and I think this is a fan favorite that a lot of people will want to see.

O/B/W ... This would call back to the Zook days, but I did manage to find an older photo that shows what these new pants would make it look like ... not bad, if you ask me!
OBO is the uniform that I associate with Illini the most, and I think Bielema agrees. The problem is that the OBB with this set looks clean to the point I would argue it is better than this version of OBO because the stripes match.
OBO is the uniform that I associate with Illini the most, and I think Bielema agrees. The problem is that the OBB with this set looks clean to the point I would argue it is better than this version of OBO because the stripes match.
Yeah, my initial view was to just rock the O/B/O for nearly all home games and only deviate for special occasions ... maybe O/O/W for your annual "Orange Out" and O/B/B for a prime time night game once per year or something? But I agree ... that O/B/B looked great, and I am a little more okay with mixing it up from time to time now that we have a generally more traditional looking uniform.

I think the point of uniforms is to look cool. This is a generalization, but teams usually do this in one of two ways - by having flashy/trendy/modern uniforms that seem "ahead of the curve" or having classic/simple/iconic uniforms that become impossible for fans to separate from that school. I'd argue some schools like Missouri, Iowa State and unfortunately pre-2023 Illinois get the worst of both worlds sometimes. I like our new uniforms a lot, and I think mixing up the pants doesn't really detract from "establishing a clear look" as much as I thought it might, given the coherent pattern of the stripes throughout.
I would be ok with it during an orange out game.
I cannot agree, because our current white pants with the O/B/O stripe down the middle would make an O/O/W uniform too good to pass up ... why even mess with the orange pants?! I will leave it to a better MS Painter than myself to get this mockup done, but it would be:

This uniform look/combo...

... but with this jersey...

... with these exact pants and helmet.

That would look damn fine if you ask me.
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