North Carolina Academic Fraud Investigation

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Deleted member 4333

Right up until Wednesday, it was still possible for the University of North Carolina faithful to believe that the worst accusations against their school were little better than insinuation. The critics were just connecting dots, they’d tell themselves, even as it became abundantly clear to the disinterested observer that there was precious little space between those multitudinous dots. Now denial is no longer possible: all the lines have been penciled in, and the picture that has emerged is of the biggest scandal in college athletics history.

Joel Goodson


Great article. "It had more smoking guns than a Tarantino remake of Peckinpah."

I know some don't care. But there are rules. UNC perpetrated 2 decades of massive academic fraud and repeatedly lied about it. There are more than just a couple of "bad eggs" implicated now. The firewall is gone. The NCAA is going to act (not saying the penalties will be just or they won't roll them back after a suitable period of contrition).


Decatur, IL
Vacate however many years of wins. 5 year minimum post season ban. Scholarship reduction of 2 or 3? for same time frame?
It does seem like the NCAA takes academic fraud seriously. I don't have specific violations, but it seems like when it happens, penalties are relatively harsh. Maybe it is my faulty memory.

We will see if a) weaker NCAA will act as harshly since most penalties seem weak these days and b) now that a blue blood is involved, will they act harshly or weakly.


UK got 3 years probation, 2 years post-season ban and 1 year no TV back in 1989. It will be interesting to see how this compares.
UK got 3 years probation, 2 years post-season ban and 1 year no TV back in 1989. It will be interesting to see how this compares.

But was UK's violation(s) academic fraud or just paying players?

I think the more relevant comparison is Minnesota's academic fraud when Clem Haskins was there. I think the NCAA came down pretty hard on Minny and UNC's violations are much more serious.

Of course Minny isn't a blue blood like UNC.
But was UK's violation(s) academic fraud or just paying players?

I think the more relevant comparison is Minnesota's academic fraud when Clem Haskins was there. I think the NCAA came down pretty hard on Minny and UNC's violations are much more serious.

Of course Minny isn't a blue blood like UNC.

Yeah Minny is a good comp. A tutor who did papers, etc.... had the book thrown at them right and ended Clem.

UNC has to get a stiffer penalty than them....but won't.


Heard an interview with Roy last night. He doesn't want to talk about this "crap" any more. Sounds very contrite.

Joel Goodson

Yeah Minny is a good comp. A tutor who did papers, etc.... had the book thrown at them right and ended Clem.

UNC has to get a stiffer penalty than them....but won't.

Minny is the comp. While their academic fraud was big, UNC's dwarfs it. That it went on for twenty (20!!!) years, the sheer magnitude of the number of athletes who maintained their eligibility because of it, the tsunami of lying from UNC after it was initially exposed, and the facade of plausible deniability being torn down by the latest report, the NCAA has to act. When all this is weighed in its entirety, I think the NCAA is going to come down hard (yeah, I know, don't laugh).

Joel Goodson

Heard an interview with Roy last night. He doesn't want to talk about this "crap" any more. Sounds very contrite.

Very contrite. Roy's helping his case. But it doesn't matter.

I'm pretty sure UNC's PR folks/handlers are going to tell him how to handle these types of questions going forward.


Heard an interview with Roy last night. He doesn't want to talk about this "crap" any more. Sounds very contrite.

Of course he sounds contrite. He has been exposed. He looked the other way at alumni "post-graduation" handouts to B-Ball players at Kansas, now he's caught again with NCAA and ethical violations he "wasn't aware of," but which greatly benefited him and his program. He'll sound more contrite and more country "good ole boy" with each statement until the hammer drops, at which time he'll be reduced to public tears.

"During that period of time that the report represents, we had about 97,000 students and about 3,000 of those students were engaged at the most in this activity," said (UNC Provost Jim) Dean. "So as bad as it was, to say that it represents the whole university is pretty disingenuous."

I think Dean is pretty disingenuous in his statements IE "not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does".

I suppose what he is saying is that cheating and lying is acceptable if it involves less than a certain percentage of the total population. :tsk:


Of course he sounds contrite. He has been exposed. He looked the other way at alumni "post-graduation" handouts to B-Ball players at Kansas, now he's caught again with NCAA and ethical violations he "wasn't aware of," but which greatly benefited him and his program. He'll sound more contrite and more country "good ole boy" with each statement until the hammer drops, at which time he'll be reduced to public tears.
I was being sarcastic. At least in the clip I heard, he couldn't be LESS contrite. As someone pointed out, I'm sure someone will coach him up on what to say or not say going forward.



"The entire university should not be punished for the academic fraud that went on for nearly 20 years."

I heard a sportswriter on a podcast last night and he had his Masters from UNC and he said if it was only athletes participating that would be one thing, but the fact that students from the general student population were participating (using the term loosely), he thought UNC is in real trouble. The accreditation issue is probably the first salvo in that direction. FYI, I don't think much will come of it, but it is a major embarrassment.

Joel Goodson

Of course he sounds contrite. He has been exposed. He looked the other way at alumni "post-graduation" handouts to B-Ball players at Kansas, now he's caught again with NCAA and ethical violations he "wasn't aware of," but which greatly benefited him and his program. He'll sound more contrite and more country "good ole boy" with each statement until the hammer drops, at which time he'll be reduced to public tears.


Please check your sarcasm meter.

I heard a sportswriter on a podcast last night and he had his Masters from UNC and he said if it was only athletes participating that would be one thing, but the fact that students from the general student population were participating (using the term loosely), he thought UNC is in real trouble. The accreditation issue is probably the first salvo in that direction. FYI, I don't think much will come of it, but it is a major embarrassment.

Dukies in Cameron will not let this go by unnoticed.


I don't understand that. Does accreditation by SACS mean anything?


If you lose your accreditation then you can't give out degrees, so I'd say it does.

The southern association of colleges determines which schools can give out degrees?

I mean lets get serious. There is not one chance in a million that UNC as a university would be prevented from giving degrees. It's silly to even discuss.

Joel Goodson

"During that period of time that the report represents, we had about 97,000 students and about 3,000 of those students were engaged at the most in this activity," said (UNC Provost Jim) Dean. "So as bad as it was, to say that it represents the whole university is pretty disingenuous."

Yeah, we perpetrated the largest academic fraud ever, but it wasn't too bad.


Way the get in front of it, Dean. UNC is in dire need of competent handlers. Meanwhile, break out the popcorn.
The southern association of colleges determines which schools can give out degrees?

I mean lets get serious. There is not one chance in a million that UNC as a university would be prevented from giving degrees. It's silly to even discuss.

Sorry, I misstated the quote I had read. They can still give degrees, but having a degree from a non-accredited university has far less value.

Yes, it's probably unlikely it goes that far. I remember similar saber-rattling during the PSU investigation. But it's definitely another black mark on their reputation and more incentive to take it more seriously than it seems they have been.
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