St. Louis Cardinals 2015 Season

this is frustrating to watch as a fan. This isn't about the current team or coach. Its the front office. This has to be tough for the guys on the field. Add this to the list of injuries, and the players have to be feeling it.

From listening to STL radio, it sounds like the Cards may have thought that Jeff Luhnow was using their proprietary system to evaluate players, which prompted their hack. They wanted to investigate it. That may be somewhat true but why wouldn't you go through proper channels to investigate it.
Not saying it's right if someone in the Cards organization broke into the computer system, but that's seriously a pretty dumb move by Luhnow and the other ex-Cardinal personnel to use passwords off the master password list from when they were with the Cards for a very similar computer system.

"Look what she's wearing! She's pretty much asking for it."
Here's the culprit:

Jeff Luhnow is a grating personality. Very smart fellow, but one of those that makes sure you know just how smart he is.

My bet is on someone down the pay scale that hated the guy with a passion, and did this in an attempt to embarass him.

Since the FBI has traced the hack to a specific residence they already know who it is. Focus now is on trying to find out who else had knowledge of it.
I know this is a very unfortunate situation, but how can they really "spy" on the astros? Its not like their stealing plays or signs...theres no strategy like that in baseball. Some people are blowing this up way more than it should be. I say give them a fine, fire the person or persons directly involved whether it be a low key staff member or even one of the higher ups, and maybe take a draft pick and move on.
I know this is a very unfortunate situation, but how can they really "spy" on the astros? Its not like their stealing plays or signs...theres no strategy like that in baseball. Some people are blowing this up way more than it should be. I say give them a fine, fire the person or persons directly involved whether it be a low key staff member or even one of the higher ups, and maybe take a draft pick and move on.

Can't take draft picks. It's in baseballs CBA
This whole thing is so stupid. Why even bother, you think they stole your idea, then go about it right way. Who ever is at fault should be fired. This is a black eye that didn't need to occur.
The problem with them getting this information is that it allowed them to have the upperhand or be "in the know" of what the Astros and other clubs were negotiating. This whole situation has nothing to do with the players, therefore I hope this gets handled quickly and the people in the wrong get what they deserve. Just hope this doesn't take away from a great start to our season.

Go Cards!
I know this is a very unfortunate situation, but how can they really "spy" on the astros? Its not like their stealing plays or signs...theres no strategy like that in baseball. Some people are blowing this up way more than it should be. I say give them a fine, fire the person or persons directly involved whether it be a low key staff member or even one of the higher ups, and maybe take a draft pick and move on.

The thing you're missing here is that it's not a baseball investigation, but rather an FBI investigation because it's likely that a felony was committed. This is akin to corporations stealing trade secrets and there are federal laws against this. The database(s) in question contained scouting reports / stats on current players, minor leaguers and college / HS draft prospects, as well as trade negotiations that the Astros were having with multiple teams. This is not a small issue by any means.
The thing you're missing here is that it's not a baseball investigation, but rather an FBI investigation because it's likely that a felony was committed. This is akin to corporations stealing trade secrets and there are federal laws against this. The database(s) in question contained scouting reports / stats on current players, minor leaguers and college / HS draft prospects, as well as trade negotiations that the Astros were having with multiple teams. This is not a small issue by any means.

Unfortunately, I agree. I wish this was MLB investigating, then it could be fines and other penalties. This could be Big House stuff.
So what types of penalties would the FBI enforce that would be different than the MLB?

Criminal proceedings - fines, prison sentences

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Under Section (a)(4) of the CFAA, anyone who “knowingly … accesses a protected computer without authorization” in order to “obtain[] anything of value” is subject to potential criminal liability for the hacking. Similarly, Section (a)(5)(B) of the law prohibits “intentionally access[ing] a protected computer without authorization,” should it result in any damage being inflicted on the computer’s owner.
Bernie at the Post Dispatch notes that a complete housecleaning and restart of the Cardinals front office is a part of the worst case scenario, if the higher ups had knowledge of the illegality. Breaking up the current administrative structure would be potentially disastrous.
There is zero chance anybody in the upper level of StL offices had anything to do with this.
There is zero chance anybody in the upper level of StL offices had anything to do with this.

Sure hope you're right. Would hate to think that anyone in the upper level of the organization would be that stupid.
There is zero chance anybody in the upper level of StL offices had anything to do with this.

Just because they didn't authorize it, it doesn't mean that they had no knowledge of it. If they had any clue that someone at a lower level was doing anything like this and did not "self-report" they could be held accountable. This is why internal emails were subpoenaed by the FBI.
so this game that just ended ticks me off. don't care if we are 100-0 and lose a game like that .... most annoying possible way to lose
Going forward, if we are serious about contending, we need a little more power in the lineup. Great start for Jaime today but once agin he gets no run support.
Another great start by Jaime, hate losing to teams that are no where the caliber we are....but such is baseball. Anything can happen, like allowing the washed up Eduardo Nunez to be the player of the game last night. lol

On to Philly where we need to get back in the W column against the worst team in baseball (currently).