Yadi in the dugout:
i hope so but i'll believe this when i see it. my negative vibes from the front office make me think nobody who acts
differently than they do are going to get a prominent position. I feel like maybe a minor league offer to teach catchers
is an automatic no and exactly what they want.
on an equally negative note... cards will never compete for top free agent pitching and tend to over value our players
when discussing trades. i will not get my hopes up on either until i see it. Second and third level pitching maybe, others
AA or AAA guys who have not appeared at the MLB level for our AAA guys maybe. Somebody is going to have to want
Burleson, Knizner, Baker, O'niell or Yepez. Gorman or Edman are too valuable and wont get traded but one or more of
them will have to be in any deal for a front of the rotation guy. Burleson or Donovan might be worth something in this
Give it to me, i can take it.