St Louis Cardinals 2024

Optimistic? Pessimistic? I guess apprehensive fits me better. Do we get the Goldy of 2022 or 2023? The Mikolas of 2022 or 2023? Can Gray and Matz stay healthy enough to make close to 30 starts? Will Lynn and Gibson give up fewer than 50 home runs? Will Walker, Gorman, Noot and Donovan continue to progress? Can Winn play at this level? Have we fixed the bullpen? Is Dylan Carlson a starter level MLB player? Lots of questions. All will be answered by September. Get the popcorn out(y)
Please explain something. Are you talking about signing Montgomery before we traded him or signing him now as a free agent? If you are talking signing him now, the Dewitts have said their paytoll is pretty well set for 2024.
I mean resign Montgomery now. Our payroll being set is my problem. Dewitt is a billionaire and the third most wealthy owner in baseball. No reason why our payroll is 17th ($13 mil. behind the MLB average and $3 mil. less than last year.) We went from above the average, down 3 spots to below the average payroll.
were wasting Nado and Goldy. not sure why they'd want to extend.
Dewitt is a billionaire and the third most wealthy owner in baseball. No reason why our payroll is 17th

DeWitt is top 10 but not in top 3. Either way all these owners have a ton of money to throw around. Tigers owner, Guardians owner, etc all have just as much money if not more than DeWitt. Part of it is spending wisely and part of it is developing players(more so starting pitching). Both problems the Cardinals have had for many years.

were wasting Nado and Goldy. not sure why they'd want to extend.
Arenado has declined two opt out options and still has 4 years left on contract. Both players love St Louis
they love stl until they don't. at this point in their career, winning is everything. you are right Dewitt is only worth 4 billion.
his investment in the cardinals has gone from $150 mil. purchase price to an estimated $2.2 billion. (internet numbers)
that's around 8-10th. again, no reason not to up the payroll to compete. MLB has a problem with 6 teams spending crazy $.
i believe we need a payroll cap and a minimum.
they love stl until they don't. at this point in their career, winning is everything.
You also have to remember Arenado and Goldy came from losing cultures every season before joing STL. Cardinals had a bad season but usually in the playoff hunt. Arenado and Goldy love STL. Arenado is locked in by his choice. Goldy is a FA after this season and think it comes down to mutual respect on both sides not any ill feelings. I have no problem if Goldy wants to walk but the Cardinals should try to offer him a short extension(think they will). He is still one of the best 1B in the league at his age. I don't want to see Baker at 1B after this season.

you are right Dewitt is only worth 4 billion.
his investment in the cardinals has gone from $150 mil. purchase price to an estimated $2.2 billion. (internet numbers)
that's around 8-10th. again, no reason not to up the payroll to compete. MLB has a problem with 6 teams spending crazy $.
i believe we need a payroll cap and a minimum.
I have no idea what will happen, JMO Mo will step down after the 2025 season. Ton of short term contracts and guys in pre-/arbitration years right now. Setting up a bunch of decisions to be made for next guy in few years.

Cardinals are setup to compete. I agree they need to spend more but they also must develop more. We aren't a club that will go over the tax threshold. If that is the way club is setup than we HAVE to develop starting pitching. Those pre-arbitration/arb years are essential for a franchise looking for balance on payroll.
You also have to remember Arenado and Goldy came from losing cultures every season before joing STL. Cardinals had a bad season but usually in the playoff hunt. Arenado and Goldy love STL. Arenado is locked in by his choice. Goldy is a FA after this season and think it comes down to mutual respect on both sides not any ill feelings. I have no problem if Goldy wants to walk but the Cardinals should try to offer him a short extension(think they will). He is still one of the best 1B in the league at his age. I don't want to see Baker at 1B after this season.

I have no idea what will happen, JMO Mo will step down after the 2025 season. Ton of short term contracts and guys in pre-/arbitration years right now. Setting up a bunch of decisions to be made for next guy in few years.

Cardinals are setup to compete. I agree they need to spend more but they also must develop more. We aren't a club that will go over the tax threshold. If that is the way club is setup than we HAVE to develop starting pitching. Those pre-arbitration/arb years are essential for a franchise looking for balance on payroll.
so, how far below the tax threshold are they? (answer: over+-$37 mil. ) 7 teams are over it including atlanta, toronto and philly) could they buy a Montgomery with the difference? absolutely. that threshold will only go up.

set up to compete against who? the cubs and brewers? who cares. this franchise should be set up to compete against the Braves, Dodgers and Yankees.

what i have to remember is we were among the worst teams in baseball last year and did little to improve.
so, how far below the tax threshold are they? (answer: over+-$37 mil. ) 7 teams are over it including atlanta, toronto and philly) could they buy a Montgomery with the difference? absolutely. that threshold will only go up.

set up to compete against who? the cubs and brewers? who cares. this franchise should be set up to compete against the Braves, Dodgers and Yankees.

what i have to remember is we were among the worst teams in baseball last year and did little to improve.
Adding $25 million on Montgomery like you want is adding payroll, not setting us up against the powerhouses like you mentioned

You can only add so many positions when they are giving guys like Winn and Walker and some youngsters the key to the lineup. Once again I have stated we need to add payroll, but we also need to spend it wisely and not just spend to spend money. I am also more about developing starting pitching which we haven't done.....since when? Pitching prices are insane.

Like I mentioned to one of your earlier posts we are usually competitive. Try having top 15 owners that want to spend way less than us and be less competitive. I agree with some of your points but it really is a mix of not spending enough and not developing enough talent. If we can't develop the talent than we should spend more, if we can't spend more than we need to mix in developing players. Problem is the organization has no identity with starting pitchers in either one of those situations for years.
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so, how far below the tax threshold are they? (answer: over+-$37 mil. ) 7 teams are over it including atlanta, toronto and philly) could they buy a Montgomery with the difference? absolutely. that threshold will only go up.

set up to compete against who? the cubs and brewers? who cares. this franchise should be set up to compete against the Braves, Dodgers and Yankees.

what i have to remember is we were among the worst teams in baseball last year and did little to improve.
The World Series showed that a team doesn't need to win the ridiculous 162 game season. All that needs to happen is to squeeze into the playoffs by the skin of your teeth. If that happens anything can result.
The World Series showed that a team doesn't need to win the ridiculous 162 game season. All that needs to happen is to squeeze into the playoffs by the skin of your teeth. If that happens anything can result.
i understand and appreciate that the best team in baseball often does not win the world series. my only point is the pitchers we have might compete for a division, but will not compete with the best in baseball. while an additional #1 starter inked for 4 years puts us into that discussion for those 4 years. i appreciate both of your opinions but respectfully disagree. we will not have Nado and Goldy at anywhere near 100% in four years. i believe this organization has been mismanaged for many years. the sooner Moz leaves the better.
my only point is the pitchers we have might compete for a division, but will not compete with the best in baseball. while an additional #1 starter inked for 4 years puts us into that discussion for those 4 years.
JMO but the Cardinals still don't have a #1 pitcher. We have worked with a bunch of #2 or #3 pitchers who we call #1 pitchers for years.

Is fine if you want Montgomery signed for 4 years at $100 million like you mentioned. I don't view Montgomery anywhere near a #1 pitcher or want him signed for 4 years. Montgomery is a good addition for clubs at one of those one year deals with a club option.

I am all for the Cardinals adding top of the line talent. I don't see it happening unless an injury takes place or trade during the season. Glad to be wrong if they could find a disgruntled pitcher with talent wanting to be moved.


Paducah, Ky

The Cardinals announced the 2024 Hall of Fame finalists.
Steve Carlton, George Hendrick, Matt Morris and Edgar Renteria.

In the past we could vote for two players. Last year and this year it's only one. There were more candidates in the past. I think the front office is trying to make sure these players get in before they add more options to the pool.

Steve Carlton (LHP) Years on Ballot: 7
Years: 1965 – 1971 77-62, 3.10 ERA, 3.02 FIP, 1.28 WHIP, 66 CG, 16 SHO, 951 SO, 1265.1 IP (172 GS)

Matt Morris (RHP) Years on Ballot: 9
Years: 1997 – 2005 101-62, 3.61 ERA, 3.77 FIP, 1.27 WHIP, 18 CG, 8 SHO, 986 SO, 1377.1 IP (206 GS)

George Hendrick (OF) Years on Ballot: 2
Years: 1978 – 1984 .294/.345/.470, 978 H, 187 2B, 122 HR, 582 RBI, 457 R, 270 BB (893 G)

Edgar Renteria (SS) Years on Ballot: 9
Years: 1999 – 2004 .290/.347/.420, 973 H, 207 2B, 71 HR, 451 RBI, 497 R, 148 SB (903 G)

Mine choices come down to Matt and Edgar. Since I can only select one I will go with


no, make that Edgar.

I think.

Actually. Matt has a better WAR with St Louis so he gets the nod.
