The Illinois AD Search

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I would be curious if they have begun to zero on somebody now that the application deadline has passed.

Joel Goodson

I would be curious if they have begun to zero on somebody now that the application deadline has passed.

If they waited for the deadline to pass before zeroing in, that would indicate either incompetence or indecisiveness. FWIW, I don't think they waited.


Geneva, IL
I look at it one of two ways. The boosters with the money like how the process is going and that's why nothings been leaked. Or the current process has broken down and Illinois is lost. I think if the wrong people were being looked at we would see leaks to get the fan base in an uproar. Unfortunately for me I always look for the best in the program and feel they’re doing the right thing. I guess we’ll see.


The instability facing the U of I at all levels right now is almost unconscionable. From the moribund state of the State, a President with 1 year experience, no Chancellor and Provost, loss of top professors, censures, nationally humiliating scandals going back to President White's admission scandals, law school admission scandals, to the more recent Hogan resignation and Salaita issues, no AD, underachieving athletics programs (and these are just things that I can think of off the top of my head), it becomes quite apparent that the hiring decisions being made right now are some of the most important the University has ever made.

There is very little, if any, room for error/failure because everything is at stake. Perhaps that is a very critical/negative/dramatic view on the situation, but there are few people out there willing to take on the enormity of this situation, and even fewer that will be able to excel under these circumstances. We cannot compare our hiring process to anyone else's because, frankly, I can't imagine any other University has the same conditions as our's.

I want the search committees, search firms, boosters, and on and on to take as much time as necessary to do the proper due diligence in every single one of these hires. The next few months will test the resolve and patience of everyone affiliated with the U of I, but I hope we come out the other side living up to our namesake.

Go Fighting Illini.

Deleted member 2438

Oskee67, Like you I would welcome meaningful changes in the administration of the UOI. I am less than optimistic that it will happen because the first move that needs to happen is to get the influence of "TOO MANY" politicians out of the mix. I would wager that outside of this state there are few if any state universities that have as much political interference as we have to deal with. Anyone that follows us should be well aware of what politicians have screwed up in this school moving forward instead of being held back.
Wholeheartedly agree with the last two posts. I really would like the powerful boosters to step in and persuade someone to take hold as AD. The complaints about our football and basketball programs are being leveled at the present coaches, but they are really the fault of Mike Thomas and his hires. Not to mention to Women's Bball team. We need this AD to be a great hire so he/she can lure the right people to get us back on track. Otherwise, the days of competitive teams in the revenue sports will be a very distant memory, and Illinois will become what NW used to be.
I want the search committees, search firms, boosters, and on and on to take as much time as necessary to do the proper due diligence in every single one of these hires. The next few months will test the resolve and patience of everyone affiliated with the U of I, but I hope we come out the other side living up to our namesake.

I understand the sentiment, but I don't think it reflects the reality of how organizational decision-making works. I mean, sure, we'd all like to think that what's happening is this:

  • Committee: "We looked really hard and came up with a list of the three top candidates: X, Y, and Z. Now let's work together for a few more weeks doing due diligence and figuring out which one is best for us."
  • Chorus of interested parties: "Yay! Let's do this! Teamwork!"
But what's probably happening is this:

  • Committee: "What does everyone think of X, Y, and Z?"
  • Faction #1: "We love X. He's awesome."
  • Faction #2: "We hate X. We love Y, the opposite of X."
  • Faction #1: "We won't accept Y."
  • Faction #2: "Well, we won't accept X."
  • Committee: "OK, then how about Z?"
  • Faction #1: "Meh. Not too impressed. But better than Y."
  • Faction #2: "Also not impressed. But at least its not X."
  • Committee: "Alright then, Z makes the final cut. X and Y are out. Next: What does everyone think of A, B, and C?"
  • Faction #1: "Love A. Hate B. As for C, again, meh."
  • Faction #2: "Love B, hate A, don't care either way about C."
  • Committee: "Great. C is in, A and B are out."
And so on ... Next think you know, it's two and a half months later and you still haven't progressed past step one. And all the names on your list are nobody's first choice.



I was optimistic we'd have our ducks in a row, but appears I'm disappointed yet again. Are we really that unattractive of a job? Big Ten university, large alumni base, improving facilities, and top notch Olympic sports. Men's basketball and football are crawling, but the Illinois brand couldn't possibly be THAT tarnished.

Personally think the only way out of this is for the fan base to actually unite and stand behind these teams. Understand that's very difficult given our current situation, but it's either that or watch our revenue sports become entirely irrelevant.

GO ILLINI :chief::shield:
I was optimistic we'd have our ducks in a row, but appears I'm disappointed yet again. Are we really that unattractive of a job? Big Ten university, large alumni base, improving facilities, and top notch Olympic sports. Men's basketball and football are crawling, but the Illinois brand couldn't possibly be THAT tarnished.

Personally think the only way out of this is for the fan base to actually unite and stand behind these teams. Understand that's very difficult given our current situation, but it's either that or watch our revenue sports become entirely irrelevant.

GO ILLINI :chief::shield:

It would be great if the fans would support the teams even when they are down if only to help recruiting. Unfortunately, my totally unresearched guess is that half the fans are bandwagon fans and will only show up when the team is winning.
Unfortunately, my totally unresearched guess is that half the fans are bandwagon fans and will only show up when the team is winning.
Would you pay for 4 tickets and then drive 3 hours to the game being fully aware of the result?
Fan Support

I believe if we would lower ticket prices until the product we're paying for fell in line for what their asking maybe there would be more fans in the stands. Would you pay Chicago restaurant prices for Hometown Buffet food? How about creating some excitement by filling up Memorial Stadium and SFC by making it affordable while we rebuild? Then once we are competitive again let the market determine the prices!!!!!! And while I'm at it lets let the students in for free in the endzone so we don't have to see on Twitter and FB 4/5's of the student section empty, even on BIG10 games? :thumb:
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I attended several of football games this year with the end result not decided until the final whistle blew. Both the basketball and football players and coaches have worked their asses off to perform under extreme conditions that other universities do not have to endure. Give people a chance and be positive. I will continue to drive the 3 hours and have fun regardless of the outcome. Go Illini1
It would be great if the fans would support the teams even when they are down if only to help recruiting. Unfortunately, my totally unresearched guess is that half the fans are bandwagon fans and will only show up when the team is winning.

I don't know if now is the time to get down on the fanbase. The chancellor literally just cited "our search committee has met several times" in the past month as her notion of "good progress" in the athletic director hiring process. I would say if you attended a single sports event so far this academic year, or if you even watched one on TV, you've demonstrated vastly more interest in the athletic program than any of the people currently in charge of it.


Rockford, Illinois
"Wilson said she hasn't interviewed anyone for the position" is so disheartening. Not sure how it would even be possible to announce someone by Jan. 31-that's only three weeks away. You'd hope that they'd narrow it done to top three or so candidates and interview each finalist at least twice, right? Ugh :(
I would say if you attended a single sports event so far this academic year, or if you even watched one on TV, you've demonstrated vastly more interest in the athletic program than any of the people currently in charge of it.

This is my concern, I am sure shared by others, that the people in charge are either are apathetic about our revenue sports, or, worse, view them with disdain. I know there are academics out there who are also big sports fans, but is that the make up of the people looking out for our programs?

However, I am trying to stay hopeful and positive that they will find a gem. I only wish I knew Khan and/or Collangelo (sp?) were involved.


Cincinnati, OH
"Wilson said she hasn't interviewed anyone for the position" is so disheartening. Not sure how it would even be possible to announce someone by Jan. 31-that's only three weeks away. You'd hope that they'd narrow it done to top three or so candidates and interview each finalist at least twice, right? Ugh :(

With the search firm involved this could just mean the firm has been doing all of the interviews with the committee and Wilson won't become involved until the offer will be extended.


San Francisco
"Wilson said she hasn't interviewed anyone for the position" is so disheartening. Not sure how it would even be possible to announce someone by Jan. 31-that's only three weeks away. You'd hope that they'd narrow it done to top three or so candidates and interview each finalist at least twice, right? Ugh :(

It'd be possible if you knew who you wanted and the interview was a formality.

I could imagine a scenario - however unlikely - where they know they want George, but it is taking time to put together a big enough package to get him (it'll probably need to be double what Thomas got), and to get everybody to agree. In this scenario it's actually possible to see the fact that they haven't interviewed anybody as a positive - why interview Sean Frazier when you're working on a deal for Rick George?

I don't really believe this, but it's possible. We just don't know. I like the fact that they're keeping this search quiet and taking some time. A few weeks or even a month don't matter now in terms of timing. Just get it right. This hire will set the trajectory for our athletic programs for the next decade or more.
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Personally think the only way out of this is for the fan base to actually unite and stand behind these teams. Understand that's very difficult given our current situation, but it's either that or watch our revenue sports become entirely irrelevant.

GO ILLINI :chief::shield:


We're down but we're not out. There's a real shot the men's basketball team could be competitive next year. I haven't been a fan for that long, but from what I've read here it seems like we've seen darker days and have always bounced back. We're not Ohio State or Michigan with a strong history of winning. We can't recruit on our name alone. All the negativity isn't helping our image, either. Obviously criticism is warranted, but much of that criticism has turned toxic and counterproductive.


Christian County, IL
My guess is that it will be February when the new AD is announced.

Deleted member 569417

It would be great if the fans would support the teams even when they are down if only to help recruiting. Unfortunately, my totally unresearched guess is that half the fans are bandwagon fans and will only show up when the team is winning.

If this was 1 down year, hell even 2, I could get behind your statement. But, currently in 2016 we are staring at 25+ years of a train wreck of a football program. We are staring at year 10 of a basketball program completely coming off the rails. This isn't a group of fans bailing after one half season of less than ideal results. This is a group of fans that have watched this University trip over themselves at every step. Literally, every step. Since 1992 the football winning percentage is .397. It's literally so bad, that Tim Beckman was basically par for the course here. The basketball program is staring at making the NCAA's 4 of the last 10 years. They have won 2 count em, 2 NCAA games in that time. We are 15 games under .500 in the Big Ten the last 9+ years.

Yes, it would absolutely be great if our fanbase showed up 60K+ strong every week for this football team. Would be great to see SFC packed every game. At some point though, supporting an organization that does nothing but fail, and does nothing to even try to succeed only further enables them to continue down this path.

Sure. It would be great to have fans turn out in droves I suppose. However, it would be better if the University placed some semblance of priority on actually being a legitimate contending Big Ten Athletic program instead of treating the program like an albatross around their necks that they can tolerate, but will throw the absolute bare minimum of resources and budget at it.
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