Bowl/Playoff Selections

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We’re flying past each other due to semantics.

I’m not arguing that the term I just made up, being “FSU’d”, describes a team in FSU’s exact circumstances.

Im saying it’s being screwed out of a spot at the table due to subjective criteria.

Obviously if we go undefeated in the B1G and win the conference championship we wouldn’t be left out.

The situation I was thinking of was more us hypothetically being 11-1 at the end of the season, somehow missing the conference championship game, and being ranked 11th-ish going into the conference championship week.

There will be teams in those positions every year, and it is now very clear (to me) how those last coveted spots will be filled.
Not sure you’re going to see many one loss teams in a major conference ranked 11th, especially going forward. tOSU was the lowest one loss team this year (in a major conference) and they were ranked 7th.
Not sure you’re going to see many one loss teams in a major conference ranked 11th, especially going forward. tOSU was the lowest one loss team this year (in a major conference) and they were ranked 7th.
2 loss teams then?

We’re getting a bit mired in the details. There will be teams at the cut line that have had awesome seasons that should get in. (Maybe no chance to win it all, but deserve a spot and a chance to shoot their shot)

How it’s decided who gets that spot isn’t very encouraging based on today’s news. That’s what I’m getting at.
2 loss teams then?

We’re getting a bit mired in the details. There will be teams at the cut line that have had awesome seasons that should get in. (Maybe no chance to win it all, but deserve a spot and a chance to shoot their shot)

How it’s decided who gets that spot isn’t very encouraging based on today’s news. That’s what I’m getting at.
Any two loss team doesn’t deserve to compete for the title. That’s not an unimportant detail. But to be more precise, no two loss team really has a legitimate argument that they were shafted from being able to compete for a national title, and that’s what the playoffs are ultimately about.

But yes how they’re decided leaves a lot to be desired.
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Any two loss team doesn’t deserve to compete for the title. That’s not an unimportant detail. But to be more precise, no two loss team really has a legitimate argument that they were shafted from being able to compete for a national title, and that’s what the playoffs are ultimately about.

But yes how they’re decided leaves a lot to be desired.
I mean, we are moving to a format where 2 loss teams are going to be in the playoffs.

This year would have had a couple right? Penn State, Ol Miss…Miznoz? Oregon for sure. I think they are around that spot.
I mean, we are moving to a format where 2 loss teams are going to be in the playoffs.

This year would have had a couple right? Penn State, Ol Miss…Miznoz? Oregon for sure. I think they are around that spot.
I don’t feel particularly sorry for any two loss team that gets cut out of the playoffs - even if that ever happens to us. My point is that these teams already didn’t do enough to say unequivocally they deserve a shot at that point. Yes, some will get in, and bully for them. But do you really think many two loss teams can legitimately say they deserve to have that shot at the title? Better to err on the side of caution and let a couple two loss teams in than cut out no loss teams. I think twelve teams is a pretty good compromise. You’re always going to have some x loss teams in and out no matter how you slice it.
Haven’t read through this whole thread but why Liberty in a New Year’s Day bowl. They were ranked 23 in the CFP poll. It’s such nonsense so the powers that be can pretend they care about the have nots. It’s utter nonsense and there’s dozens of teams including the Illini who’d kick their butts. The whole system is rotten
I don’t feel particularly sorry for any two loss team that gets cut out of the playoffs - even if that ever happens to us. My point is that these teams already didn’t do enough to say unequivocally they deserve a shot at that point. Yes, some will get in, and bully for them. But do you really think many two loss teams can legitimately say they deserve to have that shot at the title? Better to err on the side of caution and let a couple two loss teams in than cut out no loss teams. I think twelve teams is a pretty good compromise. You’re always going to have some x loss teams in and out no matter how you slice it.

For sure, and those cut line teams will be picked based (as far as I know) on whatever factors are currently in play.

You better believe I’d be righteously pissed if we finally have an AMAZING season, even with a couple warts (2 losses)…and then get left out of all that extra tv time and publicity because of some subjective selection criteria.

“The SEC has only one representative, and the B1G already has 2, let’s leave out Illinois and put in Bama even though Illinois has better wins and not as bad losses. We need more SEC eyes.”

I know it’s far fetched for US, but not out of the realm of the possible for SOME team(s) considering today.

I won’t keep belaboring the point, I’ve made it enough. There will always be consternation at the cut line. We went from 2 to 4 and there was consternation, 4 to 12 will have it…heck even teams 65-68 have heartburn when they don’t make the dance.

I was just hoping the decision today would be a bit more “college-y” and less business-like. A fools hope, I know.
Committee got it right. Sucks so bad for FSU, they deserved to be in, but they were clearly not a top 4 team. Bama went in and beat UGA, the gold standard in CFB the last two years who was on a historic winning streak and dominated about everyone they played. Absolutely sucks that FSU had to take that fall back, but it is what it is and the committee made the right choice.
The system has always been flawed. Should be the conference champion from the Power 5 conferences and 3 at large teams.
Really think Alabama and SEC got a gift to be in this. They got so lucky to beat an awful team in Auburn the week before. If you look at ACC In nonconference, they weren’t nearly as bad as a conference as everyone thinks. And this was a bad SEC this year.

And having said that, nobody hates Michigan more than me. So now I’ll be rooting for bama. Weird but it is what it is
Really think Alabama and SEC got a gift to be in this. They got so lucky to beat an awful team in Auburn the week before. If you look at ACC In nonconference, they weren’t nearly as bad as a conference as everyone thinks. And this was a bad SEC this year.

And having said that, nobody hates Michigan more than me. So now I’ll be rooting for bama. Weird but it is what it is
Nope. Just can't do it. For the purposes of that game, it's Go Blue for me. F the SEC.
Really think Alabama and SEC got a gift to be in this. They got so lucky to beat an awful team in Auburn the week before. If you look at ACC In nonconference, they weren’t nearly as bad as a conference as everyone thinks. And this was a bad SEC this year.

And having said that, nobody hates Michigan more than me. So now I’ll be rooting for bama. Weird but it is what it is
And one other thing -- SEC always has got a complete pass for playing 8 conference games. That's such a huge advantage that nobody ever talks about.
Haven’t read through this whole thread but why Liberty in a New Year’s Day bowl. They were ranked 23 in the CFP poll. It’s such nonsense so the powers that be can pretend they care about the have nots. It’s utter nonsense and there’s dozens of teams including the Illini who’d kick their butts. The whole system is rotten
I don't remember the specifics, but in the late 2000's there was talk of the non P5's suing the BCS under antitrust or something like that. So in the playoff format, yes, indeed a G5 school gets a piece of candy

G5 conferences received $538 million in CFP payouts, for the seasons 2014 - 2020.
P5 conferences (including ND) received $2.1 billion over that same period.
Apologies if I missed it, but can someone explain how Minnesota got a bid at 5-7?
Apologies if I missed it, but can someone explain how Minnesota got a bid at 5-7?
There were three open spots, due to not enough teams qualifying at 6-6. James Madison and Jacksonville State got the first two spots (due to transition to FBS, they were ineligible unless spots opened up). That left one remaining spot. Minnesota had the highest APR of the remaining 5-7 teams, thus they got the final bowl bid.
This is the same argument we have every year about a team or teams being left out. Happens in March Madness and happens here. It's all a moot point going forward as we finally get a 12 team playoff. FSU deserved to be in but if you think they had a prayer against any of the other playoff teams right now, I don't know what to tell you. Alabama not only has a prayer but they likely beat Michigan. And if you think Michigan didn't want FSU instead of Bama, watch the video of the teams reaction. It's obvious they wanted the easier team to beat.
What if the Michigan QB got hurt with them up 10-0 and was confirmed to be out for the year. Backup QB comes in and looks lost. Michigan wins 10-0. What does the committee do with that? The fact that the committee was tasked with factoring in the effect of injuries is a mistake. It’s all a subjective process but that’s not something that should be on the table. What if it was unclear whether Jordan Travis would be healthy enough to play by Jan 1? They are supposed to decipher that? The committee decided to place a higher emphasis on the injury effect vs being an undefeated conference champion. That was within their rights but it shouldn’t have been.
Committee got it right. Sucks so bad for FSU, they deserved to be in, but they were clearly not a top 4 team. Bama went in and beat UGA, the gold standard in CFB the last two years who was on a historic winning streak and dominated about everyone they played. Absolutely sucks that FSU had to take that fall back, but it is what it is and the committee made the right choice.
How can it be clear FSU is not a top four team when they won every game? I think too often people assume when a team doesn’t score much they are weak. Maybe the game plan going into the conference championship was run the ball, play defense, don’t put too much on a third string freshman qb, get a win, don’t worry about pretty, go 13-0 and make the playoffs. If the final score was 31-21 would the FSU doubters feel the same way?
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What if the Michigan QB got hurt with them up 10-0 and was confirmed to be out for the year. Backup QB comes in and looks lost. Michigan wins 10-0. What does the committee do with that? The fact that the committee was tasked with factoring in the effect of injuries is a mistake. It’s all a subjective process but that’s not something that should be on the table. What if it was unclear whether Jordan Travis would be healthy enough to play by Jan 1? They are supposed to decipher that? The committee decided to place a higher emphasis on the injury effect vs being an undefeated conference champion. That was within their rights but it shouldn’t have been.
At it's core, the entirety of college football is subjective.

Within a given conference, sure, there's structure and fact. But once you go outside that, you don't have comparable facts. Conferences schedule differently, teams schedule differently, conferences don't have the same number of teams. There isn't a structure for parity in anything. Fundamentally, there isn't objectivity. There isn't a standard for the playoffs. So you're left with a patchwork of conferences that want to have something at the end of the year, to determine a champion. It's evolved over time, but it's always had its flaws.

The conferences run this whole thing. THEY came up with committee concept and these rules, including the ACC. The language on the committee being able to consider injuries or similar issues has always been there. There are five power conferences, and four spots. Most years it hasn't been an issue, but the possibility was always there that this COULD happen. And it did.
How can it be clear FSU is not a top four team when they won every game? I think too often people assume when a team doesn’t score much they are weak. Maybe the game plan going into the conference championship was run the ball, play defense, don’t put too much on a third string freshman qb, get a win, don’t worry about pretty, go 13-0 and make the playoffs. If the final score was 31-21 would the FSU doubters feel the same way?
Now do Liberty. Won every single game. Conference champ. The same arguments for saying Liberty is not one of the top 4 teams can also be made for FSU.
I want to see the current four best teams in the playoff (even if it has to include Michigan). I just don't think the undefeated winner of the ACC who has lost their starting quarterback for the season can project to be better than the SEC champion who just beat the (at the time) consensus #1 team in the country. I think Texas is more debatable as a top 4 than Alabama, but they beat Bama, so I think they earned their spot. I think the committee got it right. If Jordan Travis wasn't out and they'd beaten Louisville more thoroughly, I'd have no problem with FSU in the playoff as the third seed.
Now do Liberty. Won every single game. Conference champ. The same arguments for saying Liberty is not one of the top 4 teams can also be made for FSU.
Completely apples to oranges. Liberty had one of the weakest schedules out there; they literally played a nothing schedule. There is a reason that there was a debate for including SMU over Liberty for the NY6 Bowl. Florida State did not play a complete cupcake schedule. It is almost like we forget how much of a beatdown that FSU put on LSU at the start of the year. The only reasons to put in Alabama over Florida State is that Florida State is unable to perform with their second/third string QB and money. We have no way of knowing how competitive of a game FSU would give Michigan, but everyone is acting like Alabama is that amazing of a team because they beat Georgia. Florida State handled business fairly sound in their last two games with a second and third string QB. Alabama needed a miracle 30 yard heave to beat Auburn. I don't believe Alabama (or Texas for that matter) is leaps and bounds better than Florida State, which is the only criteria for putting a one-loss team in over an undefeated P5 conference champ. Is Florida State a worse team than three weeks ago? Sure, but they were knocking on the door as a #1 seed pre injury to Travis.

I have to think that with 4 weeks to prepare, Florida State would have the offense looking much better than the way they performed the last two games with additional prep. Still though, their defense is very good and capable of keeping them in any game they play, hence why they won quite comfortably the last two weeks. There is nobody out there that can convince me that Alabama is significantly better than Florida State at the moment, and that is the only way you can justify including a one-loss Bama team in over an undefeated P5 conference champ.
And of the top CFP teams under consideration, FSU played the weakest schedule. Their best win was over #13 LSU (and a blowout, at that).

You can make a great case for Florida State to be in, but you can also make a case they should be left out. It sucks, but this is how the conferences set this whole thing up.
I wish the committee would have remembered that Ohio St. won the championship with the 3rd string quarterback Cardale Jones.

I think Alabama is better than FSU but FSU did everything they could possibly do to get to the playoffs so the regular season doesn't really matter for the ACC except for Clemson and Notre Dame.
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