Illini Basketball

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I had to guard an opponent named Ishcabibbel Farkwark in HS .............pretty cool dude .........smelled like garlic onion rings.....

I shut him down like a sleeping dog in the sunlight......I think he was cussing me in Arabic...I cussed him back in cool "head talk "
jargon prevalent in the late 60's..............Building a better world one bucket at a being pru , in another life.....
It really really was........
I had to guard an opponent named Ishcabibbel Farkwark in HS .............pretty cool dude .........smelled like garlic onion rings.....

I shut him down like a sleeping dog in the sunlight......I think he was cussing me in Arabic...I cussed him back in cool "head talk "
jargon prevalent in the late 60's..............Building a better world one bucket at a being pru , in another life.....
It really really was........
He was an exchange student from Iraq or Iran.......Don't really remember , just that he had to wear a turban ..........Told me after the game he had a camel back home named Osama............why did i remember that , but forget other meaningful things........huh bewilders my mind some time, but I have all the time in the world right now being retired and all that goes with it........

The final score of the game was my team won 67-27.........................I had 14 points............I really really did.................
This article humorously breaks down why firing Underwood now would be ludicrous.

As for all the transfer rumors, has there been any info from reliable sources or is it all based on speculation by Twitter and forum posters?
Thanks for posting. Great read and I agree. IMO, Underwood is a great coach. Long live Brad -at Illinois of course.
He was an exchange student from Iraq or Iran.......Don't really remember , just that he had to wear a turban ..........Told me after the game he had a camel back home named Osama............why did i remember that , but forget other meaningful things........huh bewilders my mind some time, but I have all the time in the world right now being retired and all that goes with it........

The final score of the game was my team won 67-27.........................I had 14 points............I really really did.................
Is that a 1960s thing and too much drugs that you use so many meaningless ………. In your posts to fill the memory gaps?
Is that a 1960s thing and too much drugs that you use so many meaningless ………. In your posts to fill the memory gaps?
Not Cool GIF by Transparency International
Living in STL and listening to STL sports station (101.1) I heard an interesting interview a couple hours ago.

Jerry Brewer of the Washington Post
“Missouri Coach Dennis Gates Could Transform College Basketball”

Google: Jerry Brewer Washington Post if you’re interested in the take. (Or you can probably hear the interview on 101.1 online) Worthwhile perspective that is timely in light of this boards opposing views re BU. (Too disrespectful to players vs all is fair because tough love is what they need)

Summation of the interview:
He has a very interesting, though not necessarily new, point of view. He believes the next wave of generational coaches will be those that treat players differently than the current group of old school coaches. He believes more and more players will gravitate to schools based on how coaches “connect “ with players, and that even coaches that aren’t getting the one and done caliber players will do better long term because of player buy-in and lack of mass exodus.

These coaches, according to Brewer, get to know their players in a deeper way, give them encouragement while also giving tough love. But more than anything, they figure out how each player needs to be coached and communicated with, and fits his communication style to that persons needs. (Not a new concept in corporate America)

Brewer spoke at length about a transition to coaches, specifically Gates and Jerome Tang of K St were his examples, that are able to control their emotions and, in turn, this connects the coach and player through emotional intelligence and forms a unique bond that plays in todays world. He believes this will be the direction coaching will go versus the in your face, my way or the Highway mentality. Coaches will adapt their communication style to the players individual needs as opposed to the coach making players adapt to how the coach wants to communicate with them. Brewer believes this style will tap into the most potential from players, teams, etc. It is what makes players buy into offensive sets and execute the plan, they adopt the culture seamlessly, and it builds trust and a bond that is stronger than normal, and the results on the court will evident.

He says it’s why Dennis Gates turned Cleveland State so quickly, and why Mizzou is on the trajectory they are on in year one of a train wreck. Gates has created a bond that goes beyond I’m the coach and you’ll do what I say. He’s taken mid level talent and adopted a communication style and bond with players that is so much stronger than the typical player/coach relationship.

Hey, it’s not for everyone….but it was an interesting interview at an opportune time to get my interest.
I admittedly agree with much of what Brewer talked about. As an anecdote I will provide my opinion:

Like it or not, the world that has changed and continues to change and evolve at a rapid rate. More than ever, it seems all we hear and read anymore is to be inclusive of other views and perspectives. To treat one another, regardless of differences pertaining to faith, race, gender, sexual orientation, neuro-typical vs neuro-diverse minds, etc, with respect and acceptance. The momentum of the inclusion/diversity movement cannot be stopped. (Nor should it be)

To this end, those who believe we shouldn’t want kids here who can’t accept tough love or disrespectful, in your face screaming and mother-effing from BU simply are missing the point, in my opinion. All people should be treated with respect. Tough love is great, but it is a subjective opinion regarding what’s too much. That, my friends, varies from person to person.

One example: It’s been fairly apparent all season that Jayden Epps is neither too high, nor too low, as a person and as a basketball player. (I believe we can agree on that) We’ve all seen his body language when BU is 3 inches from his face and screaming obscenities at him. Seriously, for a kid who is very even keeled - does anyone think that style of coaching will be a motivating factor to him? I don’t believe it would be. Now we are worrying JE may be looking for another landing spot. The kid is tough as nails and very talented. I hope JE stays the course, though I cannot blame him should he leave because the BU communication style is not what he’s looking for. Would it not be more beneficial for BU to amend his approach as needed? It’s potentially archaic to believe that players need to be screamed at and humiliated on national tv in order to make a point. Perhaps for some….but shouldn’t it be what communication style is most effective for that particular player?

For me, what Brewer says makes a lot of sense. Common sense to be honest. No, it isn’t a be all end all….but I bet we see this evolution occurring at a much more rapid pace in the next number of years and the data (wins, losses, etc) will support the theory.

Long post, I know. Hopefully someone will enjoy reading Brewer’ take as I found the interview quite engaging and interesting.
Either way….much love to Illini nation regardless where you stand on this topic.

I L L . . . .
If you go to any kind of leadership training they will talk about a lot of these things... to a point. You still have to have a certain level of professional detachment/objectivity because you can't take on all of your subordinates' burdens for them. There's a balance.
it was a different era, you have to account for generational differences at play. The Bob Knight approach isn't suitable for modern players.
Why? Seriously why would this be true? What makes these kids different than a kid in the 70s or 80s? Still just a college kid, playing college basketball,(and now getting paid) how is there brain different than a kid in the 70s or 80s.
Why? Seriously why would this be true? What makes these kids different than a kid in the 70s or 80s? Still just a college kid, playing college basketball,(and now getting paid) how is there brain different than a kid in the 70s or 80s.
I'll take a stab at influences making kids' brains (thoughts) different and in my view are more "independent thinkers" than 70s/80s kids

Internet was a game changer.. Massive quantities of immersive information for today's kids vs 70 or 80 kids (internet, social media, etc)

Consequential Soc media and Cultural influences today drive independent thinkers...... kids huddling at a park for a pickup game in 70s and 80s were not constantly challenged to think independently, like today kids.

The adaptive modern coach tapping into individual players potential is interesting to me...

and I do think players today are difft than 30 + years ago, but ....

I also believe the "the best teams" will have common chemistry and goals and the best coaches will likely bring teams together with positive emotional energy.

my 2 cents, I believe that Shauna Green likely has some of the same qualities connecting with modern players and bringing them together with positive energy, as Gates at Mizzou has.

He’s taken mid level talent and adopted a communication style and bond with players that is so much stronger than the typical player/coach relationship.
I L L . . . .
The same is true in Schools of Education across the country The "god term" is relationship. Teachers intending to enter the profession are taught that establishing a relationship with students is the primary goal of the teachng-learning process, and than comes reading, arthrimetic, and writing
I feel as if our insiders are fairly quiet, which from my past observations, means some things could be shaking up for the good or bad. Unless they just stepped away from the outlandish rumors from the board, which I fully understand too lol.🤷‍♂️
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