Maryland 81, Illinois 65 Postgame

The Illini just got steamrolled by a subpar Maryland team. That should not happen with the experience and quality of players at Brad’s disposal tonight (even w/o Kofi). That was a bad loss and there is worry that Brad might not be able to get the best out of one of the best and most experienced rosters for UI in decades. Win or lose I will still be watching. Go Illini.
Going to be interesting to see the player grade outs on this one. Also, no field goals in the last four minutes. Our droughts, first or second half, must stop if we are going to make a run.
LOL you are really interested in those grade outs. You mentioned it in the game thread, too.
LOL you are really interested in those grade outs. You mentioned it in the game thread, too.
Lol! I don't remember that at all, but I believe you. Never been an analytics guy with sports but I've been intrigued and want to explore.
I understand there are a lot of DW stans out there. He does make timely plays and shows grit.

That being said..

The dude is just a complete liability on offense. I said it before the season, but he has to come off the bench. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a worse finisher in the paint. When he isn’t hitting wide open 3s (3 or 4 tonight) you are getting nothing from him.

Surely someone can step up and fill the void there.

Obviously he wasn’t the only issue tonight. Scott and the crew just pounded it down low.
Breathe, folks. The sky isn't falling just yet.

Now if this continues into mid-February, go ahead and press those Defcon 1 buttons.
Exactly. ‘The sky is falling’ aptly describes my stock portfolio at the moment, but certainly not an Illini team that will be 2nd place in conference after tonight, having acheived that with constantly cobbled-together lineups and their top two players (according to pre-season accolades) barely seeing any tick together all season.
Exactly. ‘The sky is falling’ aptly describes my stock portfolio at the moment, but certainly not an Illini team that will be 2nd place in conference after tonight, having acheived that with constantly cobbled-together lineups and their top two players (according to pre-season accolades) barely seeing any tick together all season.

Why'd you have to go remind me of this, HA jk
That was embarrassing. I'm not sure Maryland is that good this season and we made them look spectacular with generally poor defense and rebounding. On the offense, the shooting wasn't there and probably shot selection played a role. Curbelo had a really rough game tonight, not sure what's going on with him, but he was turning the ball over and missing shots, so a net negative when he's not on his game.

We will need to play better than that on the road or we can possibly make the tournament and get knocked out with such poor offensive and defensive execution. Next game please.
I understand there are a lot of DW stans out there. He does make timely plays and shows grit.

That being said..

The dude is just a complete liability on offense. I said it before the season, but he has to come off the bench. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a worse finisher in the paint. When he isn’t hitting wide open 3s (3 or 4 tonight) you are getting nothing from him.

Surely someone can step up and fill the void there.

Obviously he wasn’t the only issue tonight. Scott and the crew just pounded it down low.
I don't like monte's offense. And maybe im debating for the sake of debating. But frazier plummer and grandy (usually Kofi as well) are the "scorers". When Illinois isn't scoring why is it his fault and nobody else's? He is a defense, rebound, hustle, glue guy. So why does he get crucified when an aspect outside of his skillset is lacking? This stems from past boards as well....didn't really love his d tonight.
This was anticipatory. We played like crap but I figured people would blame the refs
I get it. I wasn't trying to call you out. Some people will always blame the refs. But I think the notion from the Purdue game that "the losing fans will always complain about officiating" is false. The board complained on Monday because the officials were bad. There haven't been many complaints about them today because the officials were acceptable.
I don't like monte's offense. And maybe im debating for the sake of debating. But frazier plummer and grandy (usually Kofi as well) are the "scorers". When Illinois isn't scoring why is it his fault and nobody else's? He is a defense, rebound, hustle, glue guy. So why does he get crucified when an aspect outside of his skillset is lacking? This stems from past boards as well....didn't really love his d tonight.
I just don’t think he is a big enough difference maker on defense to make up for his non existent offense. I don’t think you can have a guy like him starting on a team with title aspirations.
I appreciate context. But as a person who hates giving myself excuses i don't really love how much we have to excuse / accept bc of them. I get we have had a rough go of it, but saying we lost without Kofi/ curbelo/ bc of concussions / etc doesn't mean we would have actually won otherwise (most of the time we probably would ill admit). Maybe i should save this thought for our impending non-ranked thread
I just don’t think he is a big enough difference maker on defense to make up for his non existent offense. I don’t think you can have a guy like him starting on a team with title aspirations.
If the other 4 are playing well i say he is a must start. When the offense isn't flowing i say he may deserve less tick. I guess my arguement is....monte should start every game, but his minutes should reflect game flow