Texas coach Chris Beard arrested

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Ransom Stoddard

Ordained Dudeist Priest
Bloomington, IL
This coach Beard wouldn't find himself in that kind of trouble. Would he???

Dam* What a shame this stuff happens. People are emotional, lose perspective (nice words, jerk) and go way beyond what anyone could imagine for them. The intimates are first in our thoughts. And the rest of those involved, including the miscreant (weak word again, jerk) are crushed. Bow our heads, and hope that something might eventually work out here. No excuses.
Don't look now but Texas losing to Rice by 2 pts with couple minutes remaining in regulation.

Chad Fleck

Eureka, IL
I’ve been around numerous coaches who are intense during games…and never once have I thought man this is gonna lead to him strangling someone at home.

Intense is one thing. I think most reasonable people can tell the difference between intensity and anger.

It's insane that our society is okay with adults on sidelines throwing fits. So weird.
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