Illinois 93, Michigan 85 Postgame

We defeated Wisconsin. They didn't defeat us! Somethings wrong with that. We only played once and that was a home game for us. We won the only meeting this year against Wisconsin.
Unfortunately that is now the tie breaker works
I got my masters at Purdue but it is not easy as I really want to play for March. If Wisconsin wins it we are on the side with tOSU and Wisconsin gets Purdue. That just maybe way easier?
I still think we're the best team in this conference period when we play to our capability. It truly doesn't matter who we play or when. We just have to play with effort and aggressiveness. We can beat anybody! Especially when we're locked in! Those Purdue games don't mean much. The first one we had won and let them snatch it from us in overtime. The second one we just didn't come to play and had very poor effort. Definitely wasn't locked in.
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Madison, WI
Kofi does practice free throws and is very good at them. I think it's just trying to calm himself down when shooting for his touch during the game. If you notice he takes a few deep breathes and tries to relax before shooting them. His adrenaline is going and he's pretty amped up when playing of course.
I've noticed as the year goes on that he twists his shoulders more on his ft''s as if he's trying to lay the ball in instead of just shooting it..just watch his shot and his entire back will be visible to the camera on the follow through...
Hawkins had a another good game today. I was wrong about him defending Dickinson, he did well though I was surprised he didn't try to back him down more like he has other bigger players. It seemed like we took Dickinson out of the offense early and he never got it going. If Hawkins can develop a game of controlled shooting from the 5 to 15 foot range to go along with his dunks and three's he will become next level.
Hawkins had a another good game today. I was wrong about him defending Dickinson, he did well though I was surprised he didn't try to back him down more like he has other bigger players. It seemed like we took Dickinson out of the offense early and he never got it going. If Hawkins can develop a game of controlled shooting from the 5 to 15 foot range to go along with his dunks and three's he will become next level.
Whoa. Threes? How many has he gotten on the year. I love Hawkins too but his offensive game needs a lot of work.


Boise, Idaho
I still think we're the best team in this conference period when we play to our capability. It truly doesn't matter who we play or when. We just have to play with effort and aggressiveness. We can beat anybody! Especially when we're locked in! Those Purdue games don't mean much. The first one we had won and let them snatch it from us in overtime. The second one we just didn't come to play and had very poor effort. Definitely wasn't locked in.
Totally outplayed them the first half on their court, then just decided to not come out of the locker room for the 2nd half


I can't believe CBS in DC cut to the Maryland game before our game ended. I'm freaking furious. This after we missed the tip of our game for a commercial break. What the heck is CBS doing.

They didn’t cut away from Connecticut game to our game and I live in Champaign. They also got in their extra commercials before they went to our game.
Whoa. Threes? How many has he gotten on the year. I love Hawkins too but his offensive game needs a lot of work.
No not a big part of his game but I think he can hit them enough to keep them honest. I would rather see him put up a three vs a wild twisting out of control shot from 8 feet.
What can we do for Trent Frazier that's different than just retiring his jersey? I feel like he needs something extra special. Like name the meeting room after him or something. Just incredible how much of himself he's given to this program.
An annual award? Since “Pulling Team Out Of Dumpster” is probably too wordy, how about “Leadership” or “Grit”?


New York
Went to today’s game. Was awesome. Fair amount of orange in the building. I’d say slightly over 90/10 toward Michigan. Nothing better than hearing crowd roar in late game situations and then go absolutely silent when we score. The Trent 3- awesome. What stones. I was screaming but the place was pretty much silent. After the game we went down to the court and met Kofi, Jake, and the three freshmen. RJ said he’s healing well. We took some photos with the players, who were all very nice.

They shooed everyone out of the arena after about 20 minutes and we made our way over to the service entrance by the team buses to wait for everyone to come out. Got photos with Trent, Brad, Coleman, Deon Thomas and couple more. My 8 year old was on cloud 9 (as was I). Awesome win, great experience. Can’t wait to go to more road games in the future. Unfortunately this one may have set the bar a little high for the 8 year old.


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Detroit, MI
They didn’t duck us last year. They did duck three other teams, but they didn’t avoid any otherwise scheduled game with us.

More saying it from a standpoint of if they played our game on Feb 11 (which they were fully capable of doing) they probably could have made up at least one more. I agree that it wasn't fully clear in my original post, I blame a few too many beers during this glorious victory!


Detroit, MI
Are you sure, I thought they had a home game with us earlier in the year that got canceled and was never made up.

IIRC they never made up Indiana, Northwestern and Penn State. Still if they play us on Feb 11, 2021 (like their women's team did!) that gives them room for at least one more game.
Another great win! Plummer on a heater, Kofi doing Kofi things and Trent the finisher with another clutch performance. Hawkins and Curbelo both starting to hit their groove. The pieces are coming together. If we get back a healthy RJ and BBV for the Tourneys, it could be fun to watch.
IIRC they never made up Indiana, Northwestern and Penn State. Still if they play us on Feb 11, 2021 (like their women's team did!) that gives them room for at least one more game.
Okay, ya now I remember they didn't want to play us at the earlir date along with the others which back logged their schedule.
I'm sitting here we re watching the game and I still don't understand why plumbers on the bench most of the second half but dude can go to the whole different shoot free throws he does not miss one in the ones?
I agree for the most part with this exception. I am 60 years old and have loved the Illini since I was about 8. Seeding does matter in the NCAA tournament. Matchups are everything (that and luck). Yes I want to win (share) a Big regular season championship. I have seen about 8 of those in my life. What I have not seen is an NCAA championship team. This team, in this years filed, has a chance. Maybe it is not a great chance, but they are at least in the top 10-12 teams who could win it.

So what I would ask is go look how many 4/5 seeds have made the final 4. It is such a better place to be a 3 seed (even better is a 3 seed playing through Chicago). We can get a 3 seed if we get hot.

I was at the game in 2005 against Arizona in the Rosemont Horizon. That was the loudest game I have ever seen. Seeding does matter, and anything that helps us get a better seed in the NCAA tournament I am in favor of.

I simply don’t have that many more years on this earth that we will have teams that could win it. I love sharing the Big title, but the big prize is an NCAA title.
I honestly like what you're saying as a graduate of 1989 and a man of 50 years old now. The game so much different now.
The smile on Hawkins face when he gets near the bench after the offensive board is priceless.
Coleman have the best horrible line tonight out of any basketball player I've ever seen it was such an awesome game for him! I'm so proud of him. I was so hard on him earlier in the year getting knocked off on his line not being in the right positions for defense he has come so far in the last month! I'm so proud of Coleman Hawkins, he is a Fighting Illini